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Through DTSPP, WOODLANDS adopts a new POS system that provides easy access to data like customer volume and top-selling dishes.
Local news - Hong Kong

Empowering SMEs: Transforming F&B and Retail industries through digital innovation

[The content of this article has been produced by our advertising partner.] Providing exceptional customer service is essential for survival in the competitive food and beverage (F&B) and retail industries. With the help of technology, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can enhance their products and improve operational efficiency. Cyberport’s Digital Transformation Support Pilot Programme (DTSPP)

Upcoming Events

5 drinks events and food openings in Hong Kong this weekend, October 25-27

This weekend is all about the pre-Halloween festivities, and while we have you covered on that front, there are plenty of activities for those looking for a more low-key end to the week. Want to avoid the costumed crowds? We have plenty of alternatives to add to your dining agenda. 1. Made in Lantau Festival

Mobile Phone

Xiaomi 15 Ultra leaked renders show a weird camera arrangement

Xiaomi is due to launch the 15 and 15 Pro later this month, but the Ultra is only set to follow in February. Even so, today we have the first set of leaked renders showing the Xiaomi 15 Ultra, and it’s definitely got a distinctive camera arrangement – and one that might not please fans


Liverpool continue record-setting start to season under Slot

Liverpool‘s relentless start to the season under new manager Arne Slot is seeing the team pump out record after record, and the scene of their latest win felt poignant. Liverpool ground out a 1-0 victory in the Champions League on Wednesday at RB Leipzig, one of the clubs that former manager Jurgen Klopp, who recently

Musk with giant check
World News

Elon Musk PAC warned by DOJ that $1 million sweepstakes may be illegal

The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently contacted Elon Musk’s America PAC about its historic $1 million giveaway to swing-state voters after the agency was warned by lawyers who claimed that the initiative may be illegal. On Monday, the DOJ was sent a letter from a “group of attorneys and public officials” requesting an investigation into


The War of the Rohirrim Poster Previews Anime Fantasy Movie

A new The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim poster is out, previewing the main character of the anime fantasy film set to release later this year. The new poster comes courtesy of Nerdist, who shared it over social media. The poster doesn’t give away much of anything, but does show off


Doctor’s ‘best meal’ recipe clears arteries and cholesterol

A culinary delight that could work wonders for your arteries has been revealed by health guru Dr Eric Berg DC. He says the tantalising dish might just be “the best” option for slashing “decreasing your risk of coronary heart disease”. The nutrition virtuoso is the author of ‘The Healthy Keto Plan’ and is famed for

Stock Market

佳源國際:不覆核聯交所取消上市地位決定 將於10月29日除牌 (18:34) – 20241023 – 即時財經新聞

在作出除牌決定時,上市委員會考慮了公司股份自 2023 年 4 月 3 日起暫停買賣。根據上市規則,如果公司未能在2024年10月2日前恢復買賣,則聯交所有權取消公司之上市地位。 上市委員會認為截至復牌截止日期及至今,公司未達成任何復牌指引。公司股份仍暫停買賣﹔上市委員會認為公司 2022 年全年業績及隨後的財務業績仍未公佈。因此,公司未達 成復牌指引﹔上市委員會認為針對公司之清盤令尚未撤回或解除及清盤人尚未解除。因此,公司 未達成復牌指引。 以及上市委員會認為公司資不抵債,且針對公司的清盤令仍然有效。因此,公司未達 成復牌指引 ﹔公司未能證明集團管理層及或對公司管理及營運具有重大影響 力的任何人士的誠信、能力及╱或品格不存在合理的監管擔憂。因此,公司未達成復牌指引 上市委員會認為應在公司滿足所有其他復牌指引後,再評估復牌指引的履行情況。基於上述原因,公司未達成復牌指引。在這些情況下,上市委員會認為聯交所有權根據上市規則取消公司之上市地位。 除非公司根據上市規則第 2B 章規定的權利申請覆核除牌決定,否則公司股份上市的最後一日將為 2024 年 10 月 28 日,股份的上市地位將於 2024 年 10 月 29 日上午 9 時正取消。公司已決定不申請覆核除牌決定。 為避免疑義,股份在聯交所取消上市地位後,目前公司在聯交所上市的債券其上市地位將在2024年10月29日股份取消上市地位後維持不變。 其他報道 【久利生專欄】數碼港可搬去啟德郵輪碼頭? 金沙訂新5年期融資共涉款324.5億元 錦藝擬組合營貨機租賃公司 新東方料第二季淨營收升25至28%  新文旅業務25財年將貢獻有意義收入 戶口互聯丨金管局銀行同業數據共享正式命名為「戶口互聯」 虛擬保險OneDegree母企易名為AIFT 全日沽空金額增25% 南方恒生科技沽空減13% 恒指收市升261點 科指升1.8% 成交、北水回升 華潤飲料升15% 天瀧標售成交增至19伙 4房5134萬沽出 戶口互聯|匯豐:指定個人客戶今年底前可於App上檢視其他銀行戶口 戶口互聯|渣打香港:第四季推跨行戶口查詢服務 歐央行據報開始討論要否減息到中性水平以下 歐元貶值見兩個月最弱


The Vitamin Shoppe’s secrets and supplements for longevity

New York Post may be compensated and/or receive an affiliate commission if you buy through our links. Featured pricing is subject to change. What is longevity, and why are some of us so obsessed with it? For many of us, time is currency. Most would love nothing more than to reach old age or perhaps

SHSE:603267 Earnings and Revenue Growth as at Oct 2024
China News

Three High Growth Tech Stocks In China To Watch

As Chinese equities experience a rise, bolstered by the central bank’s supportive measures amid persistent deflationary pressures, investors are increasingly focusing on high-growth tech stocks in the region. In such a dynamic market environment, identifying companies with robust innovation capabilities and strong adaptability to economic shifts can be crucial for those looking to explore opportunities

North Korea troops in Ukraine would escalate conflict, Lukashenko tells BBC
World News

North Korea troops in Ukraine would escalate conflict, Lukashenko tells BBC

Alexander Lukashenko says North Korea troops in Ukraine would escalate conflict There aren’t many world leaders who’ve been in power for 30 years. Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus has been accused of stealing elections, crushing dissent and dismantling democracy. The UK, the EU and the US do not recognise him as the legitimate president of Belarus.

XAU/USD Analysis Today - 23/10: Gold Hits Peak (Chart)

XAU/USD Analysis Today – 23/10: Gold Hits Peak (Chart)

Created on October 23, 2024 Despite the strong gains of the US dollar, the price of gold rose to around $2753 per ounce, trading at record levels, the highest in the history of the gold market. Its successive gains were supported by its status as a safe-haven asset. Reports indicated that tensions in the Middle

Opinion | Why John Lee’s policy plans for Hong Kong deserve strong support
Local news - Hong Kong

Opinion | Why John Lee’s policy plans for Hong Kong deserve strong support

Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu’s latest policy address should be praised for its laser-like focus on strengthening the foundation on which Hong Kong’s unique competitive advantages under “one country, two systems” are based. As Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter points out, one should aim to be unique, rather than the best. Besides consolidating the

Stock Market

ASMPT擬將先進封裝材料部門售予A股公司至正高 (18:53) – 20241023 – 即時財經新聞

根據安排,今次ASMPT出售先進封裝材料國際公司的代價中,有49%會用至正高的股份支付,餘額會以現金支付。同時深圳至正高將向南寧市先進半導體科技公司,安排資產置換,將手上的非半導體業務脫手。ASMPT指,由今年9月30日至業務交割日止,待售的先進封裝材料國際公司的盈利及資產淨值增加,均劃歸深圳至正高,ASMPT則會承擔該業務在待交割前的虧損及資產淨值減少。該集團指,通過今次出售交易,可獲現金流外,亦料可能為獲得A股公司股份,及在半導體材料領域具進一步增長潛力下,為股東創造額外的價值。 深圳至正高早於10月11日起將股份停牌,料停牌時間不少於10個交易日。在進行資產置換同時,其將出售上海至正新材料的100%股權交易擱置。其預計,今次交易涉及重大資產重組及涉關連交易,但是不會觸發控制權變更。 此外,若按至正高發行股份達7450萬股計,增發至已擴大後股本兩成的話,將需增發1490萬股。若按發行價32元人民幣計算,料今次交易的股份代價最少約4.77億元人民幣。由於股份代價佔49%,因此按現金代價佔比計算,料約值4.96億元人民幣。因此料ASMPT出售先進封裝材料國際股權的估值最少值9.73億元人民幣,約為10.61億港元。 其他報道 【久利生專欄】數碼港可搬去啟德郵輪碼頭? 金沙訂新5年期融資共涉款324.5億元 錦藝擬組合營貨機租賃公司 新東方料第二季淨營收升25至28%  新文旅業務25財年將貢獻有意義收入 戶口互聯丨金管局銀行同業數據共享正式命名為「戶口互聯」 虛擬保險OneDegree母企易名為AIFT 全日沽空金額增25% 南方恒生科技沽空減13% 恒指收市升261點 科指升1.8% 成交、北水回升 華潤飲料升15% 天瀧標售成交增至19伙 4房5134萬沽出 戶口互聯|匯豐:指定個人客戶今年底前可於App上檢視其他銀行戶口 戶口互聯|渣打香港:第四季推跨行戶口查詢服務 歐央行據報開始討論要否減息到中性水平以下 歐元貶值見兩個月最弱 星展香港CEO近半億破頂價購THE ASTER特色戶  匯豐降周大福目標價 美國麥當勞「足三兩」含大腸桿菌 香港發言人:不涉香港產品及食材 滬指午後穩守3300點 連升四個交易日 華昊中天唐莉:料優替德隆注射液價格未來兩年不會有太大變化 金價再創新高 銀價12年高 比特幣連跌3日 奇瑞汽車已選中金等 安排香港IPO 最快明年上市 許正宇:重點關注央行數碼貨幣、移動支付及虛擬資產交易等領域 【有片:埋身擊】比特幣後市料橫行 可趁低吸少量以太幣 瑞銀梁展嘉︰內地人置業意願升利好港住宅市場 料明年樓價升最多5% 半日沽空金額增23% 潤電沽空增53倍 Source link


Wellness Habits I’m Ditching in My 30s, & What I’m Doing Instead

I’m turning 30 and this milestone feels like it’s taking over my life. Between the changes in my friendships, career, and body (I blame my Saturn Return), I’m noticing old patterns and routines that used to serve me no longer do. And while I plan on keeping some wellness habits I learned in my 20s

Stock Market

3 Reasons to Buy TSM Stock Besides 54% Q3 Net Profits Surge

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited TSM, or TSMC, known for making the smallest and most power-efficient chips saw its shares surge recently after its latest quarterly profits soared on artificial intelligence (AI) demand.  Its shares are further expected to scale northward primarily due to three major reasons. Let’s look at those and what makes the


PANORAMA: USA Basketball moves games to NBCU for 11 years; Olympic winner Khelif turning pro; shooting was worried about LA28 inclusion

Olympic Biathlon champ Martin Fourcade of France (Photo: Peter Porai-Koshits via Wikipedia) ★ The Sports Examiner: Chronicling the key competitive, economic and political forces shaping elite sport and the Olympic Movement.★ ★ To get the daily Sports Examiner Recap by e-mail: sign up here! ★ ≡ THE 5-RING CIRCUS ≡ ● Olympic Winter Games 2030:


AirAsia Travel Insurance launches in Hong Kong with Tune Protect

Tune Protect and bolttech launch AirAsia Travel Insurance in Hong Kong, offering comprehensive coverage for travelers on AirAsia flights. HONG KONG – Tune Protect Re Limited in partnership with bolttech Insurance (“bolttech”), the Hong Kong general insurance arm of international insurtech, bolttech, launched AirAsia Travel Insurance for Hong Kong customers on AirAsia Berhad (“AirAsia”) flights.

箭豬重傷臥路邊 愛協帶走途中不治 - 20241024 - 港聞 - 每日明報
Local news - Hong Kong

箭豬重傷臥路邊 愛協帶走途中不治 – 20241024 – 港聞 – 每日明報

港聞 2024年10月24日星期四 港聞二 涉偽造年資騙挖機電工牌 共拘148人 皆速成班收2萬製假工作證明 議員促審視發牌制 建造界機電業 均稱曾聞作假 前副校半月十度偷拍私處 報告稱「有機會改過」判社服 11社工因犯罪停牌 8涉反修例 一曾獲上屆註冊局續牌 新主席:提高要求增公信 推孫九招救市縮班救校 前教育局長孫明揚逝世 漢涉斬三母女 警誡認殺女友後悔害死女兒 「東南亞賣豬仔」事主遭鎖籠電擊 兩男認串騙 5受害人有被掌摑及付贖金 一被告稱欠錢 無奈服從另被告 填料庫墮海工人遺體尋回 「美隊二」覆核 質疑懲教無提國安風險評估 箭豬重傷臥路邊 愛協帶走途中不治 下季起累進收差餉 議員指動搖低稅制 港法治排名止跌全球23 星微升至16 八成社福機構稱財困 社聯:差過疫時 美酒佳餚開鑼 酒商早入貨未享減稅 有稱來屆參展售高價烈酒 鏡騷屏幕商稱曾傳重量資料 「被告無表示唔識睇」 立場案串謀發布煽動刊物 刑滿林紹桐上訴 屈街友藏毒遮公園鏡頭 判囚兩女警上訴 英基主任認收9家長賄款助入學 共64萬 下月將指證其餘被告 居屋截表暫遜去年近四成 超額13倍 漢打復必泰後亡 疫苗專家委員:腦幹出血死無關疫苗 活在灣區:淘寶雙11推折扣免手續費包郵優惠 【Emily】返港貓狗120天檢疫期可望大減 【Emily】港兩酒吧膺「50最佳」 Bar Leone全球第2名 【Emily】東涌線海報設烏都印度旁遮普語版本 【Emily】打針後開會好眼瞓 議員:好彩無瞌着 【Emily】富豪東方80房轉青年宿舍 每位月租最低4500元 【Emily】新任立會秘書長盼服務「再貼地啲」  Source link


New Stroke Guidelines Include GLP-1 Drugs and Diet, Lifestyle Changes

Share on Pinterest PIKSEL / Getty ImagesNew guidelines for stroke prevention from the American Stroke Association emphasize the benefits of GLP-1 drugs, a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and maintaining a healthy weight.PIKSEL / Getty Images The American Stroke Association has updated its guidelines on stroke risk reduction for the first time since 2014. In

Indonesian Coast Guard Vessel
China News

Chinese Ship Expelled From Neighbor’s Waters

Indonesia on Monday expelled a Chinese coast guard ship from its maritime zone after it allegedly interfered with a seismic survey operation. An Indonesia says it had a ship, operated by the state-owned oil and natural gas company PT Pertamina, conducting survey activities in the northern portion of the country’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ), renamed

How to get free at-home COVID-19 tests this fall

The federal government is once again offering free COVID-19 tests this fall. Every U.S. household is eligible to order four free rapid antigen at-home tests through the United States Department of Health and Human Services, according to its website. The tests are free, including shipping. Orders can be placed online at You can also


The Room Next Door & I’m Still Here Wide Release Dates Set

Sony Pictures Classics has announced the wide release dates for two of its upcoming movies, The Room Next Door and I’m Still Here. When are The Room Next Door and I’m Still Here wide release dates? The Room Next Door will premiere in theaters on December 20, 2024, in New York and Los Angeles. After

Coffee Lover

5 Specialty Cafés to Love in Veneto, Italy

Veneto, the Italian region famous for Verona and Venice, is also home to a number of delicious specialty cafés. Here are five to visit in the area. BY TANYA NANETTI SENIOR ONLINE CORRESPONDENT Featured photo by Tanya Nanetti Veneto: It may be a lesser-known Italian region, but it holds some of Italy’s most famous wonders.

Stock Market

Tesla (TSLA) Q3 2024 earnings report

Tesla CEO and X owner Elon Musk speaks during an unveiling event for Tesla products in Los Angeles, California, U.S. October 10, 2024 Source: Tesla | Youtube Tesla reported third-quarter earnings on Wednesday that topped analysts’ estimates even as revenue came in just shy of expectations. Here’s what the company reported compared with what Wall


Research shows healthy habits tied to brain health

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain In middle-aged people, having risk factors like blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol that are not well-controlled combined with not following certain healthy habits including exercise, diet and sleep, are linked to a higher risk of stroke, dementia or depression later in life, according to a study published in the October

Opinion | Hong Kong is attracting talent. Now it must help them settle down
Local news - Hong Kong

Opinion | Hong Kong is attracting talent. Now it must help them settle down

In his third policy address, Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu announced a series of new measures to attract talent to Hong Kong. Lee pledged to establish a committee on education, technology and talent, as well as to update the city’s Talent List and add more universities to the Top Talent Pass Scheme. Lee also announced

Latest and Breaking News on NDTV
China News

Understanding The LAC And The Stand-Off With China

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping held a bilateral meeting in Russia’s Kazan today, on the sidelines of the BRICS Summit that both leaders attended. This is the first “formal bilateral meeting” between the PM Modi and President Xi since the military stand-off between both countries began in 2020. Ties


US confirms North Korean troops in Russia; Zelensky preparing plan to withstand war

Key developments on Oct. 23: Zelensky preparing action plan for Ukraine to withstand war, source says North Korean troops are in Russia, US defense secretary confirms Ukraine has stabilized situation in Toretsk, but Russia is concentrating troops in town’s east, military says UK to allocate $155 million for naval coalition to protect Ukraine’s ports France’s