What would a Kamala Harris or Donald Trump victory mean for the stock market?

The stock market has climbed over the course of the presidential campaign, raising questions about whether the rally will continue depending upon which candidate wins: Vice President Kamala Harris or former President Donald Trump.

The S&P 500 has soared more than 20% this year, repeating a feat that the index achieved in 2023. The Nasdaq has jumped 23% this year, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average has increased 14%.

Over the full span of the next administration, the market will likely move higher whether the nation elects Harris or Trump, experts told ABC News. However, they added, each candidate’s policies could favor different types of stocks while posing unique risks.

Here’s what to know about what a win by Harris or Trump could mean for the stock market:

What would a Trump presidency mean for the stock market?

Trump has vowed to extend the corporate tax cuts signed into law during his first term when they begin to phase out in 2025. If approved by Congress and signed into law, the tax cuts would accompany an anticipated deregulatory agenda taken up by federal agencies within the Trump administration.

That combination of low corporate tax rates and loose regulation would likely bolster corporate profits and propel the stock market higher, experts said.

“Taxes do have consequences,” Peter Morici, a professor emeritus at the University of Maryland’s School of Business, told ABC News. “With the Trump administration, it will be like a cork coming out.”

Trump policies would favor sectors such as oil and gas as well as artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, firms focused on renewable energy could suffer if Trump undermines financial incentives enacted under Biden, some experts said.

“The Inflation Reduction Act was a big deal for solar and electric vehicle stocks,” Callie Cox, chief market strategist at Ritholtz Wealth Management, told ABC News. “Who knows what will happen if that policy is walked back?”

Trump Media & Technology Group, the Trump-owned parent company of social media platform Truth Social, could rise in value if Trump takes office. Shares of the company have more than doubled in price over the past month as the former president has improved his standing in some polls.

However, while Trump’s policy proposals could boost the stock market, they also may threaten market performance, some experts said.

On the campaign trail, Trump has promised tariffs as high as 20% on all imported goods. Economists widely expect that such a policy would raise consumer prices. Trump has also voiced plans to deport millions of undocumented immigrants, which some economists say could cause a labor shortage.

Last month, Trump suggested invoking the military to tamp down what he described as the “enemy from within.”

“If he starts using the military domestically and imposes a 20% tariff and becomes a draconian, anti-democratic figure, it will weigh terribly on the stock market,” Morici said.

Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on Oct. 22, 2024 in New York City.

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

What would a Harris presidency mean for the stock market?

Stock prices would likely increase under Harris, as they have under President Joe Biden, but a potential hike in corporate taxes and robust regulatory enforcement could limit the gains, some experts said.

Corporations currently face a federal tax rate of 21%, which Harris aims to raise to 28%. Such a tax hike could hinder corporate profits and take some fuel out of the stock market, Reena Aggarwal, a professor of finance and director of the Georgetown Psaros Center for Financial Markets and Policy, told ABC News. But, she added, it remains unclear whether the policy will ultimately become law.

“I don’t think this can happen that easily,” Aggarwal said. “It takes a long time.”

Aggarwal pointed to renewable technology as a sector that would benefit from policies under the Harris administration.

When asked about how the stock market would fare under Harris, Cox said the outcome would “come down to interest rates and earnings.”

The Federal Reserve typically raises interest rates in an effort to cool the economy and rein in inflation, but the policy often places downward pressure on stock prices.

The Harris campaign has put forward proposals to slow price increases for everything from groceries to prescription drugs to homes. Those plans include a federal ban on price-gouging and a focus on market concentration that the Biden administration says triggers high costs for consumers.

In the end, long-term stock market performance will likely depend on economic forces over which Harris, or any president, will exert limited control, Cox added.

“I don’t think Kamala Harris could enact changes that have long-term effects on the stock market,” Cox said. “If you’re a long-term investor, politics do not matter for your portfolio.”

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恒指收市升261點 科指升1.8% 成交、北水回升 華潤飲料升15% (16:23) – 20241023 – 即時財經新聞

恒指今早高開26點,高位升443點,低位跌50點,高低波幅493點,是10月18日後最闊。上升股份比例為35.06%,下跌為31.29%,無升跌為33.63%。 恒指收市升261點或1.27%,報20760點,大市成交金額1926億元,較上日增加24.45%,是10月21日1955.63億元成交後最多;國指升115點或1.56%,報7478點。恒生科技指數收報4605點,升1.86%。 藍籌股成交金額819.69億元,佔大市成交42.55%;科指成份股成交金額476.92億元,佔大市成交24.76%;國指成份股成交金額699.04億元,佔大市成交36.29%。 24隻雙櫃台股,總成交1.65億元人民幣,相當於約1.79億港元,佔大市成交的0.09%。 窩輪及牛熊證成交金額增加15.08%,至177.22億元,佔大市成交9.19%。牛熊證成交金額87.85億元,增加23.13%;窩輪成交金額89.36億元,增加8.12%。 藍籌56隻升,24隻下跌,2隻無升跌。信義光能(0968)升12.43%,收報3.8元,是升幅最大的藍籌,華潤電力(0836)跌6.6%,收報19.38元,是跌幅最大的藍籌。 恒生科技指數成份股21隻升,9隻下跌。升幅最大的是理想(2015)收報107.4元,升6.34%;跌幅最大的是舜宇(2382)收報48.2元,跌3.7%。 恒指升穿10天線(20620.85點),20天線(20867.47點)得而復失。科指升穿10天線(4546.81點),20天線(4608.4點)得而復失。 北水南下合計淨流入93.99億元,較上日增加59.14%,淨流入金額是10月21日124.3億元後最多,對上一次連續3日淨流入是10月15日。北水連續第3日流入,累計流入277.36億元。北水本月累計流入641.44億元,按月增加51.55%,連續第2個月增加,金額是6月後新高,連續第16個月流入。 三大指數表現 恒指曾升最多2.16%,是10月18日後最大升幅,當日升幅為4.35%。高見20942.26點,是10月18日20952.99點後最高。今日收市報20760.15點,是10月18日後收市新高,當日報20804.11點。連升2日,累計升281.69點,對上一次連升2日是10月7日。 科指曾升最多3.28%,是10月18日後最大升幅,當日升幅為7.17%。高見4669.85點,是10月15日4682.83點後最高。收市報4605.62點,是10月14日後收市新高,當日報4668.18點。連升2日,累計升113.72點,對上一次連升2日是10月7日。 國指曾升最多2.54%,是10月18日後最大升幅,當日升幅為4.94%。高見7550.15點,是10月15日7570.47點後最高。收市報7478.23點,是10月14日後收市新高,當日報7579.94點。連升2日,累計升137.67點,對上一次連升2日是10月7日。 午後消息股表現 匯豐降周大福(1929)目標價。周大福上季港澳同店銷售跌30%,黃金存貨對沖致中期盈利跌最多46%。收報7.85元,升7.83%。 金價再創新高 銀價12年高 比特幣連跌3日。 黃金股 中國黃金國際(2099)收報37.8元,跌2.33%。 靈寶黃金(3330)收報3.21元,升2.56%。 紫金礦業(2899)收報17.34元,升0.81%。 招金礦業(1818)收報14.58元,升3.4%。 價值黃金(3081)創上市新高,見65.16元,收報65.1元,升0.93%。 SPDR金ETF(2840)創上市新高,見1977元,收報1977元,升0.69%。 山東黃金(1787)收報17.88元,升0.9%。 奇瑞汽車已選中金等 安排香港IPO 最快明年上市。 電車股 吉利(0175)創52周高,見14.9元,收報14.54元,升6.6%。 比亞迪(1211)收報289.2元,升1.62%。 小鵬(9868)收報44.15元,升4.25%。 理想(2015)收報107.4元,升6.34%。 蔚來(9866)收報41.2元,升1.48%。 零跑(9863)收報29.7元,升2.06%。 恒大汽車(0708)收報0.345元,無升跌。 瑞銀梁展嘉︰內地人置業意願升利好港住宅市場 料明年樓價升最多5% 本地地產股 新世界發展(0017)收報8.04元,升0.25%。 新鴻基地產(0016)收報84.3元,跌0.18%。 長實集團(1113)收報32.6元,跌0.91%。 恒地(0012)收報26.15元,無升跌。 信和置業(0083)收報8.38元,跌0.83%。 華置(0127)收報1.28元,升0.79%。 嘉華國際(0173)收報1.82元,無升跌。 海豐(1308)首三季收入升19% 派特別息0.4元。收報22.3元,升2.06%。 信置(0083)副主席黄永光:對香港樓市有信心 視市況定價。收報8.38元,跌0.83%。 港交所(0388)第三季多賺7%至31.45億 收入升6% 符預期。收報314.8元,升1.22%。 今早及隔晚消息股表現

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