Uber Hong Kong calls on government to give drivers flexibility under new framework

Uber Hong Kong has called on the government to give its drivers flexibility over when and how they want to work when drafting a legal framework regulating the city’s ride-hailing platforms, saying it should avoid excessive restrictions that could diminish users’ experience.

The company’s general manager Estyn Chung made the appeal on Tuesday after meeting with the Transport Advisory Committee to share views of the proposed regulatory regime, as the government is intent on legalising ride-hailing – also called ride-sharing – and opening the sector to all players.

“Uber welcomes the government’s direction of regulating ride-sharing platforms, and proposes that the future regulatory framework should centre on rider and driver safety and service quality, while avoiding excessive or overly complex licensing mechanisms,” he said.

“It’s vital that regulating ride-sharing does not jeopardise what Hongkongers enjoy today … Ensuring drivers have the flexibility to choose when and how they work is crucial for the success of ride-sharing in Hong Kong.”

A framework for regulating the platforms is expected to go before lawmakers this year and, going by the experience of other jurisdictions, Hong Kong is unlikely to limit the number of ride-hailing operators.

Chung said the driving hours of ride-hailing drivers amounted to just one sixth of normal taxis and they deserved greater flexibility under the new regime.

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