Sales at Record High, Americans View Meat as Part of a Healthy, Balanced Lifestyle

Meat sales hit a record high of $104.6 billion in 2024, pounds sold increased 2.3% compared to 2023, and consumers, on average, purchase meat more than once per week (Circana) – keeping meat the largest fresh department in grocery, according to the 20th annual Power of Meat report released at the Annual Meat Conference by the Meat Institute and FMI—The Food Industry Association.

Nearly all (98%) of American households purchase meat (Circana), and 73% of Americans view meat as an overall healthy choice. Getting enough protein is very/somewhat important to 90% of Americans, and animal proteins, including eggs (83%), chicken (82%) and beef (76%), top the list of foods that most consumers view as protein-rich foods.

Other priorities among meat shoppers include preparing comfort meals, having quick prep options, and getting creative with ingredients. The average American shops for meat 54 times per year and spends $16.12 on meat per trip (Circana).

Rick Stein, Vice President of Fresh Foods for FMI commented:

“As shoppers’ definition of value has expanded to include price, quality, relevance, convenience and experience, they are including meat in 90% of home-cooked dinners and looking for various options to suit their schedules, tastes, and interests. Whether shoppers are looking for the convenience of new ground meats or incorporating semi-prepared options in their meal prep, the meat department delivers.”

Meat Institute President and CEO Julie Anna Potts added:

“With most Americans (74%) so confident in meat as a nutrient powerhouse that is top of mind for protein needs, it’s no surprise people are buying more meat than ever. Meat Institute members are committed to making the nutrient-dense meat Americans need and keeping America’s farm economy thriving, today and for generations to come.”

The Power of Meat study was conducted by 210 Analytics on behalf of FMI—The Food Industry Association and the Meat Foundation and sponsored by CRYOVAC® Brand Food Packaging. Sales and purchase dynamics data are provided by Circana for the 52 weeks ending 12/29/24.

For summary of key findings, see:

Media may contact FMI or Meat Institute representatives for a complimentary copy of the full Power of Meat 2025 report.

About the Meat Institute and the Meat Foundation

The Meat Institute represents the full community of people and companies who make the majority of meat American families rely on every day. The Meat Institute’s hands-on regulatory and technical expertise, proactive advocacy, unique convening power, collaboration within and beyond animal agriculture, and sector-leading continuous improvement initiatives drive relationships and resources that ensure meat continues to be a vital, trusted pillar of healthy diets and thriving communities for generations to come.

The Meat Foundation is the Meat Institute’s research and scholarship arm, investing in critical areas such as food safety; nutrition, health and wellness; environment; animal welfare; and labor and human rights and supporting education and professional development in each of these areas, fostering the meat industry’s future leaders. To learn more, visit:

About FMI—The Food Industry Association

As the food industry association, FMI works with and on behalf of the entire industry to advance a safer, healthier and more efficient consumer food supply chain. FMI brings together a wide range of members across the value chain — from retailers that sell to consumers, to producers that supply food and other products, as well as the wide variety of companies providing critical services — to amplify the collective work of the industry. For more information, visit:

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