Retail Trading Remains Elevated, But Favorite Stock Shifts

We last updated our retail flows data in April, before the summer “slowdown.”  Since then, the S&P 500 has continued to rally (Chart 1, green line), now up over 20% year-to-date. As that happened, we’ve some notable shifts in sector and asset classes being traded by retail investors.

Stock buying pivoted from TSLA to NVDA

Looking at trading in company stocks, we see that retail moved into the Mag-7 and AI trade as early as last year, with strong net buying of TSLA. 

However, in 2024, retail investors have switched their favorite stock to Nvidia (NVDA), trading almost $4 billion of NVDA daily. They have also been net buyers of the advanced chip design company to the tune of nearly $13 billion.

Chart 1: Retail buying of NVDA has dominated single-stock flows as the market rally extends

These levels of single-stock concentration aren’t unusual

Retail often has a “favorite stock” that they trade more than other tickers. However, even then, their trading remains relatively diversified. For example:

  • This year, NVDA made up only 13.4% of all retail dollars traded and was the most popular stock (by value traded) for only 64% of days.
  • Back in 2020, Tesla (TSLA) was regularly the most popular trade, peaking at almost 30% of all value traded in February 2023.

In the nearly six years since the start of 2019, TSLA holds many “most-popular retail stock” records. It has spent 678 days (48% of the period) as the most traded stock by retail investors, averaging 8.6% of retail dollar volume for every day between January 2019 and today. 

Interestingly, AAPL is in second place for number of days as the most popular stock, although its last day it led retail trading came in September 2022.

Chart 2: Top retail stocks over the past five years

Top retail stocks over the past five years

Retail investors aren’t always net-buyers of company stocks. But in 2024, they have been, adding to total net buying of around $32 billion year-to-date.  Since June, as the promise of Fed rate cuts firmed, we can see there have been relatively few days where retail were not net buyers of companies (Chart 3, blue bars).

Retail still buying ETFs (almost every single day)

In contrast, we see retail investors are net-buyers of ETFs (almost) every single day (Chart 3, yellow bars). This has added to $120 billion in ETFs year-to-date. 

Chart 3: Retail buying remains strong across the board

Retail buying remains strong across the board

ETF buying in bonds

Importantly, with the prospect of rate cuts improving late in 2023, only to be delayed until recently, we’ve seen retail investors turn net buyers of broad maturities of bond ETFs. We’ve seen almost $26 billion of the ETF buying, or around 22% of all ETF buying, going into fixed income ETFs, adding duration to their holdings as short-term rates fall.

Chart 4: Retail Fixed Income ETP Buying at Highs since Start of Fed Rate Hiking Cycle

Retail Fixed Income ETP Buying at Highs since Start of Fed Rate Hiking Cycle

Retail trading remains above pre-Covid levels

Market-wide value traded remains elevated at around $600 billion per day (Chart 5, grey zone). However, part of the increase is now due to the market rallying. With higher prices it’s easy to trade more value.

To account for the market returns, we look at retail trading value ($) and volume (shares) as a proportion of the whole market.  The data also shows that trading levels of retail remain elevated compared to the levels before Covid, but not at 2020 highs. In fact:

  • Value traded, based on our method of identifying retail trades, remains around 6.5% of market-wide trading (green line), averaging $38 billion per day.
  • Retail is an even higher proportion of share volumes, recently touching 9% (blue line). That’s because retail tends to trade more in lower-priced stocks (adding to shares more than value traded).   

Interestingly, we see that value traded dipped back to pre-Covid levels (as a proportion of elevated value traded) in 2022 but has since recovered. Meanwhile, shares traded seems to have peaked with the meme stock craze of 2021 and has been in a slow general decline ever since.

Chart 5: Retail Activity Remains Elevated Relative to Pre-Pandemic Levels

Retail Activity Remains Elevated Relative to Pre-Pandemic Levels

Retail remains an important source of liquidity

Although data suggests many households have spent their Covid savings, we see that retail trading in stocks and ETFs market remains a material proportion to market.

In short, retail remains an important source of liquidity for many stocks and ETFs.  

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國常會:加強用地、資金等保障 盤活利用存量低效用地 (19:50) – 20250103 – 即時財經新聞

會議指出,城市更新關係城市面貌和居住品質的提升是擴大內需的重要抓手。要堅持問題導向和目標導向相結合,統籌推動城市結構優化、功能完善、品質提升,打造宜據居、韌性、智慧城市。要加快推進城鎮老舊小區、街區、廠區和城中村等改造,加強城市基礎設施建設改造,完善城市功能,修復城市生態系統,保護和傳承城市歷史文化。要加強用地、資金等要素保障,盤活利用存量低效用地,統籌用好財政、金融資源,完善市場化融資模式,吸引社會資本參與城市更新。要支持各地因地制宜進行創新探索,建立健全可持續的城市更新機制,推動城市高質量發展。 會議又聽取保障農民工工資支付工作情況匯報。會議指出,保障農民工工資支付,是事關民生的大事。要進一步加大對欠薪突出問題的整治力度,暢通維權渠道,嚴懲惡意欠薪,切實維護廣大農民工合法權益。要指導各級政府和央企國企優先保障農民工工資支付、帶頭清理欠薪依法督促民營企業及時償還欠薪。要發揮工資支付監控預警平台作用,加強人社、金融等部門相關數據聯通,提高欠薪治理效能。要拿出制度性、長效性的舉措,從源頭上保障農民工工資支付。 其他報道 非凡領越私有化堡獅龍今發股東通函  獨立財顧認為公平合理籲支持 卓越教育未來3年派息比率擬由50%升至70% 布魯可孖展超購升至4485倍 涉資6531億 廣汽集團上月銷量升9% 去年銷量200萬輛跌20% 信利國際終止分拆業務到內地上市 安徽金岩高嶺土遞表申請上市 鄭家純增持周大福珠寶10萬股  新世界股價今年首跌破5元大關 世茂服務8316萬人幣購世路源環境33%股權 成全資附屬 匯豐於尖沙咀設「呃大」教公眾避免墮入騙局 平安資管增持工行 內地連鎖快餐老鄉雞遞表申請上市 工行行長劉珺:降存量房貸利率料年省息1500億人幣 包浩斯首3財季同店銷售按年增長2% 上季增長10% 【有片:投資王道】王弼:美股仍具幻想空間 睇好黃金表現 全日沽空金額減5% 盈富沽空增2.5倍 恒指收市升136點 北水流入午後大增 港股全周轉跌 高盛予順豐H股「買入」 評級 目標價51元 在岸人民幣貶穿7.3 見2023年後最弱 反映人行開綠燈 GUM:去年強積金回報率9.3% 人均賺2.3萬 國泰明日起展出波音777-300ER客機爾雅商務艙 滬深三大指數連跌3個交易日 滬指跌1.57% 深成指失守1萬點大關 去年11月內地手機出貨量跌5% 11個月出貨量升7.2% 據報拜登將宣布阻止日本製鐵收購美鋼 Source link

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Celebrate remarkable legacy of Jimmy Carter with our new book

He grew up on a peanut farm. He served in the submarine fleet. He won a longshot campaign to be the 39th president. He devoted himself to global health, peace and democracy. From humble beginnings to historical figure, Jimmy Carter influenced polices and politics in the United States and beyond from the 1960s to his

3 Top Value Stocks to Buy in January

This year could look dramatically different than the past few have. Start it on the right foot with these three underestimated prospects. The year ahead should be a decent one for stock markets. The global economy may not be red hot right now, but at least growth is in the cards. But this year could

2 Stocks I’d Load Up On if the Market Dips in 2025

During 2024, the S&P 500 had an incredibly strong year. However, it dipped by about 9% at one point during the year. This is quite common, as corrections (a drop in the market by more than 10%) occur about every other investing year. Investors need to have a shortlist of stocks that they are ready to

Spotify Stock Is Actionable After New Year’s Bounce

Spotify Technology Spotify Technology SPOT $9.33 2.04% 33% IBD Stock Analysis Stock bounced from 50-day on Thursday SPOT actionable after clearing downtrend 21-day Composite Rating Industry Group Ranking Emerging Pattern Pullback * Not real-time data. All data shown was captured at 11:16AM EST on 01/03/2025. Spotify Technology (SPOT) is the IBD Stock Of The Day

Nasdaq leads stocks higher, but beverage makers fall on cancer warning

U.S. stocks bounced higher on Friday, shrugging off a tepid first day of trading to start 2025. The broad S&P 500 index was up 32 points, near 5,900, at mid-morning, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq gained 120 points, about 0.7%, to trade near 19,400. Investors appeared to be looking past recent concerns about higher inflation, which

10 Magnificent Stocks That Can Make You Richer in 2025

A new year brings with it new opportunities to grow your wealth on Wall Street. For a second straight year, investors have been given every reason to smile. As of this writing, with one trading day left in 2024, the iconic Dow Jones Industrial Average, benchmark S&P 500, and growth stock-powered Nasdaq Composite have respectively

5 things to know before the stock market opens Friday, January 3

Here are five key things investors need to know to start the trading day: 1. A rocky start 2. The steel’s all melted A water tower at the United States Steel Corp. Edgar Thomson Works steel mill in Braddock, Pennsylvania, US, on Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024.  Justin Merriman | Bloomberg | Getty Images U.S. President

Dow, S&P 500, Nasdaq futures rise but weekly losses loom for Wall Street

US stock futures stepped higher on Friday, looking to shake off a downbeat start to 2025 as markets waited for manufacturing data and Tesla (TSLA) shares struggled for a comeback. Futures on the S&P 500 (ES=F) rose 0.2%, while those on the Dow Jones Industrial Average (YM=F) were also up roughly 0.2%. Contracts on the

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