Reduce The Risk Of Dementia And More: Expert Explains How To Protect Brain From Neurodegeneration

With ageing, neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other types of dementia are one of the biggest threats to brain health. There is a genetic component to these diseases, but further research has shown that lifestyle can have a powerful influence on brain health. We spoke to Dr Avinash Kulkarni, Consultant Neurologist, Gleneagles BGS Hospital, Kengeri, Bengaluru, who explained ways to protect the brain from neurodegeneration.

Neurodegenerative diseases are intricate, multifaceted, and diverse disorders marked by a progressive deterioration of cellular and structural integrity in the brain. This decline results in impairments in cognitive function, motor skills, and behavioural activities, according to a 2024 study.

Diet: Fueling the Brain for Longevity

A healthy diet rich in vital nutrients plays a crucial role in brain health. The following dietary strategies have been associated with enhanced cognitive performance and a reduced risk of neurodegeneration:


The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet, one of the most extensively studied for brain health, emphasises fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Key components include:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids: These heart-healthy fats found in fatty fish, like salmon, mackerel, and sardines, as well as walnuts and flaxseeds, help reduce inflammation and support cognitive function.
  • Antioxidant-rich foods: Consume plenty of berries, dark leafy greens, and nuts. These antioxidant-rich foods eliminate free radicals and relieve oxidative stress, the primary driver of neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Healthy fats: Olive oil and avocados promote vascular health, ensuring proper blood flow to the brain.

Minimise Processed Foods and Sugars

“Eating processed foods, refined sugars, and trans fats has been shown to contribute to inflammation and insulin resistance, both of which have been linked to cognitive decline. Limiting sugar and eating whole, unprocessed foods, help preserve brain function,” explained Dr Kulkarni.

Hydration Matters

Dehydration can affect cognitive performance. Drinking enough water keeps the brain operating effectively and wards off fatigue and confusion.

Also Read: Importance Of Sleep In Neurological Health: Expert Explains How Sleep Disorders Affect the Brain

Role of Exercise in Brain Protection

Regular physical activity plays a crucial role in maintaining brain health. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, lowers inflammation and stimulates the generation of new neurons.


Aerobic Exercise

Activities like walking, running, cycling and swimming, benefit cardiovascular health, positively impacting brain functions. According to the Nature Aging journal, participating in moderate aerobic exercise for 150 minutes per week lowers the risk of cognitive decline.

Strength Training

Lifting weights or doing resistance training at least twice a week can improve cognitive function and memory and promote neuroplasticity.

Exercises for Balance andFlexibility

Exercises focused on balance, such as yoga and tai chi can help increase coordination and reduce the risk of falls, leading to brain injuries and cognitive decline in older people.

Mental Stimulation = Keeping the Brain Active

Like physical activity builds muscles, mental stimulation builds neural connections. Here are some mentally stimulating activities to ensure a healthy brain for the long term:


Lifelong Learning

Reading, taking courses, and learning new languages or skills, such as playing musical instruments, help keep the brain engaged and support neuroplasticity.

Puzzles and Brain Games

You should play sudoku, crosswords, chess and memory games to strengthen problem-solving skills and cognitive flexibility.

Social Engagement

Strong social connections are associated with better brain health. Regular contact with family, friends and community groups decreases stress, improves mood and enhances cognitive resilience.

Also Read: Early Diagnosis Of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Expert Explains Key To Better Support And Improved Outcomes

Additional Lifestyle Factors for Brain Protection

Beyond diet, exercise, and mental stimulation, other lifestyle habits contribute to long-term cognitive health:

Quality Sleep


Sleep plays a crucial role in memory consolidation and brain detoxification. Aim for 7-9 hours of restful sleep per night to allow the brain to clear toxins and process information effectively.

Stress Management

Chronic stress increases cortisol levels, which can contribute to cognitive impairment. Hence, engaging in practices, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness can help reduce stress and promote brain health.

Avoiding Toxins

Limiting alcohol consumption, avoiding smoking, and reducing exposure to environmental toxins (heavy metals and air pollution) can lower the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.


Dr Kulkarni concluded, “While ageing is inevitable, neurodegeneration is not. Hence, by prioritising a brain-healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity, and staying mentally active, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of cognitive decline. Incorporating these strategies into daily life can promote brain longevity and enhance overall well-being, ensuring a sharper and healthier mind well into old age.”

[Disclaimer: This article contains information provided by an expert and is for informational purposes only. Hence, we advise you to consult your professional if you are dealing with any health issue to avoid complications.]

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近日很多朋友問:「自己那方做嘢甩漏咗,且事情變成:一、係人都知;二、大家都覺得甩漏位很礙眼;然後自己出嚟講:『我哋好成功,大家應該有番啲底氣,唔好執著(我哋)啲瑕疵。』究竟呢啲關『底氣』乜事?」 眾友議論紛紛,因實在跟普羅大眾認知甚麼是「底氣」,頗有出入。打個比喻,如果下屬做事甩漏,上司指出甩漏處,下屬跟住講:「老細,我覺得我做得好好喎,做咩掛住睇我啲甩漏嘢啫?!做人要有啲底氣吖嘛,睇大嘢,唔好掛住執人哋啲錯漏……」若我是老細,會如何看這件事?首先,這番話反映說話者好幾個邏輯問題: 一、件事成功/做得好與否,老細未講,你就自己先講?大家對成功的定義不相同,有人覺得成功是自製誇啦啦效果,但從老細角度,定義成功或是:你有否將件事發揮到它應有的最大效用。自己覺得勁,只是主觀感覺,上頭未必如此看。 二、叫人唔好執著或拘泥於己方瑕疵或甩漏,即叫人「隻眼開隻眼閉」,與「底氣」無關。 三、現在是老細第一個指出你的瑕疵和甩漏,嘩,那是否意指老細無底氣?怪佢睇到閣下甩漏處? 四、如我是上司,肯定會糾正這位下屬的邏輯謬誤:「小事都做到如此甩漏,如何交託大事?還在我面前講甚麼底氣?」 五、底氣不等如「隻眼開隻眼閉」,首先定義要搞清。「底氣」,根據《人民日報》一篇文章的解讀,是「做好一件事的信心、條件和力量」,有這樣深厚的基礎,才能具備自信的底氣。那「做好一件事的條件和力量」是甚麼?就是連細微處和細節位都認真對待,做到不甩漏、不遺忘、不馬虎,這就是做好一件事的起碼條件,能具備這個條件才能培養出底氣。 又,一個人真的有底氣,就不會怕別人指正其瑕疵吧?大家都想件事精益求精,若這麼小的指正聲音都不能容忍,那即是說,己方底氣都一般般喎。當己方「底氣」未見的情況下,倒頭來直指別人無底氣,實屬嘥氣。 撰文 : 利嘉敏 欄名 : 攻關女子 Source link

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