How Can We Make America Healthy Again?

Washington, DC, March 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A new study from the International Food Information Council (IFIC), IFIC Spotlight Survey: Americans’ Perceptions & Priorities on Healthy Eating, dives into how Americans prioritize and perceive healthy eating—just as the Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) conversation lights up the national stage. With fresh insights and bold opinions, the survey reveals how diet, exercise, and even emotion shape everyday food and beverage choices. 
“Eating a balanced diet is one of the most essential actions we can take for our overall health and wellbeing,” says IFIC President and CEO Wendy Reinhardt Kapsak, MS, RDN. “Not only does it nourish the body, mind, and spirit, it does so while lowering the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.” 
However, despite its well-documented benefits, healthy eating remains a challenge for many. Why? “Budget and time constraints as well as health status and ingrained habits can impede healthy eating, and that does not even consider food availability and accessibility,” Reinhardt Kapsak adds. “To address the question of how to make America healthier, we must first understand consumers’ current perceptions and their priorities. This research is an important first step.” 
Diet & Exercise Are Americans’ Health MVPs 
More than half of Americans named exercise (59%) and a balanced diet (58%) among the top three actions a person can take to be healthy, with 22% selecting each as the number one priority. Notably, men lean more toward exercise (28% vs. 17% of women), while women prioritize a balanced diet (26% vs. 17% of men). This strong consensus underscores the pivotal role these two actions play in Americans’ health strategies. 
Many Americans Lack Dietary Mindfulness 
While most Americans prioritize the importance of healthy eating, only 12% do so every time they eat or drink. In contrast, 1 in 4 Americans admit they do not think about how healthy their diet is very often, revealing a knowledge-action gap when it comes to Americans healthy eating behaviors.  
Americans Prioritize More Time To Plan, Prepare, Cook Meals & Snacks  
Overwhelmingly, survey respondents say that spending more time preparing and cooking meals and snacks (41%) or more time planning meals and snacks (40%) play bigger roles in maintaining a healthy diet than spending more time grocery shopping (10%) or more money on foods and beverages (8%), highlighting the value of practical lifestyle adjustments. 
Food Is Fuel, Flavor & Feelings—And Maybe Medicine, Too 
Americans see food as much more than nutrition. Sixty-two percent view food as “fuel,” 60% as “delicious,” and 56% as “health,” while emotional connections run deep—with 37% calling food “love” and 32% saying it brings “joy.” Still, nearly three-quarters of Americans agree that “food is medicine,” reinforcing the idea that our plates can be as much about wellbeing as they are about taste and flavor.  
“With the Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) conversation thrusting food and nutrition onto the national stage, understanding how Americans relate to food is more important than ever. Our Spotlight Survey shows that Americans connect with food in myriad ways, including through emotions, priorities, perceptions, and preferences,” explains IFIC Senior Director, Research & Consumer Insights, Kris Sollid, RD.  
Food Labels Provide Quick Health Checks  
When it comes to verifying a food’s health credentials, 38% of respondents say they immediately check the Nutrition Facts label, and 29% look at the ingredients list. This habit is even more pronounced among those aged 45 years and older, proving that clear nutritional info is helpful in making informed choices. 
When identifying if something is healthy, far fewer said they would look at price (11%), information on the front of the package (10%), and 4% said they would not look for this type of information.  
Clear, Relatable & Actionable Communication Is Needed To Shift Health Behaviors  
The survey makes it clear: lasting improvements in eating habits demand more than just knowledge. By connecting solid nutritional advice with everyday practices—and addressing challenges like time, budget, and kitchen skills—initiatives such as National Nutrition Month® and “Food Is Medicine” aim to increase awareness of the connection between food and health. 
“The conversations about healthy eating, and what it means to prioritize health, are only ramping up. As these discussions continue to grow, it is important to recognize that food is more than just nutrients,” said Reinhardt Kapsak. “Americans engage with food on emotional and cultural levels, highlighting the need for clear, relatable, and actionable communication. By aligning evidence-based nutrition guidance with people’s food priorities and perspectives, we can make dietary advice more accessible, trustworthy, and impactful—ultimately fostering lasting behavior changes that support both health and a positive relationship with food.” 
View the full survey here.  
Interested in learning more about the concept of food is medicine? Catch the conversation during the IFIC Expert Webinar: Food As Medicine: Promises & Pitfalls in an Evolving Landscape on Thursday, March 20, featuring insights from IFIC Senior Director, Consumer Research & Insights, Kris Sollid, RD, as well as expert Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, Director of the Food Is Medicine Institute at Tufts University. Each IFIC Expert Webinar is free and provides opportunities for audience questions.  
Register for the IFIC Expert Webinar here.  
Research Methodology 
The International Food Information Council (IFIC) commissioned an online survey among U.S. consumers to measure knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about eating healthy. Data was collected from December 5-10, 2024, via an online survey of 1,000 Americans aged 18 years to 80+ years, and responses were weighted to ensure proportional results. The Bayesian confidence level for the survey sample (n=1000) is 3.5, which is roughly equivalent to a margin of error of ±3.1 at the 95% confidence level. 


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