Hongkongers suffer more digital fraud attacks than global peers, research says

Hong Kong continues to see higher-than-average digital fraud rates, with Gen Z users in the crosshairs and online scammers favouring forums and dating sites as their hunting ground for victims, according to new research.

Suspected fraud was present in 5.7 per cent of all digital transactions by consumers in Hong Kong in the first half of 2024, higher than the global average of 5.2 per cent, according to research conducted in July by TransUnion, a Chicago-headquartered consumer credit reporting agency.

Community sites, including forums and dating sites, were prime venues for fraud in the city, with suspected deception involved in 15 per cent of interactions, higher than the global average of 11.5 per cent, according to the research published on Wednesday. This could be driven in part “by bad actors using synthetic or stolen identities to open accounts”, TransUnion said.

“Despite the good-faith efforts that are being undertaken by local authorities and institutions to identify and prevent fraud to date, consumers and businesses confront increasingly sophisticated cybercriminals who weaponise identity data at scale to execute fraud schemes,” said Jerry Ying, chief product officer at TransUnion Asia-Pacific.

“This highlights the pressing need for businesses to continuously enhance their capabilities to safeguard consumers from online deception across industries.”

Gen Z and millennial consumers are the most affected by fraud, with as many as 51 per cent of Gen Z respondents saying they had been targeted in the past three months. This could be due to their frequent use of digital devices, according to the report. Meanwhile, millennials were found to be the most likely to actually suffer losses from fraud.

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Created on January 02, 2025 The USD/MYR continues to touch the higher part of its mid-term price range as the New Year holiday has passed, but global financial institutions largely remain away from trading until next week. Speculators who have open positions in the USD/MYR at this time and find their trading screens rather quiet

羅兵咸:料今年港股IPO集資1300億至1600億元 重返全球三甲 (15:47) – 20250102 – 即時財經新聞

羅兵咸永道對香港IPO市場持樂觀態度,展望IPO市場於2025年可繼續保持升勢,預料2025全年將有約70至80家企業於香港上市,當中涉及多家大型公司準備上市,籌資金額介乎1,300億至1,600億港元。本年度,人工智能、資訊科技及電訊服務、電動能源和零售、消費品及服務相關的行業板塊將會是市場焦點。 目前已經遞交申請在香港上市的企業約有80家,包括來自不同行業,包括製造業、零售、消費品及服務等傳統行業的大型企業,也有來自生物科技、醫療和醫藥、人工智能、資訊技術及電訊服務等新經濟行業的公司。 羅兵咸永道香港資本市場服務合夥人梁令欣表示,全球IPO市場正在復蘇,在各方政策提振香港資本市場下,融資活動逐步回暖。香港上市條例最近經修訂後,企業可更快速及在可預見情況下來港上市,相信將吸引更多企業來港上市。過去幾年,香港上市條例逐步修訂,有利於不同類型公司在香港上市集資。 除了已經有18C公司在去年成功集資上市,自2018年起至現時,亦已經有超過60家18A公司成功在香港上市掛牌。該行預計將來會有更多這類新經濟企業來港上市集資,令香港上市公司的種類更多元化。 羅兵咸永道香港資本市場服務主管合夥人黃金錢表示,如果整體資本市場在2025年相對穩定,通脹和利率繼續回落,再加上政府各項刺激經濟的措施成效逐步浮現,將有多家已經在A股上市的大型中國企業赴港上市,推動香港IPO集資金額至1,600億元,創近四年新高。IPO市場的復蘇將刺激股票市場的交投氣氛,提升流動性和成交額,有助股票重回合理估值範圍。此外,香港聯交所積極探討與不同海外交易所合作亦有望吸引海外已上市公司在香港作雙重上市或第二上市,或分拆其中國或亞洲業務在香港上市。此舉長遠有助提升香港新股上市及融資中心的競爭力及鞏固其國際金融中心的地位。 羅兵咸指,去年上半年香港IPO市場氣氛審慎,下半年IPO融資活動顯著回暖,佔全年整體集資總額高達八成。綜觀2024全年,香港共有71宗IPO,數量較2023年輕微下降3%,但集資額達到875億港元,大幅上升89%,全球排名第四位。2024年香港的新股上市包括67家主板公司、1家以de-SPAC並未有集資的公司和3家GEM板公司。主板的行業數量分佈主要為資訊科技及電訊服務(37%),其次為零售、消費品及服務(23%),而工業及材料則佔18%。從集資額來看,以零售、消費品及服務爲主(60%),資訊科技及電訊服務(22%)和工業及材料則佔13%。其中有14家公司的集資額為10億港元或以上。 2024年10月,香港證監會和香港交易所宣布優化新上市申請審批流程時間表,加強提升香港作為區內領先的IPO市場的吸引力。此外,自2024年9月23日起,香港交易所實施在惡劣天氣下繼續提供交易、結算及交收服務的安排,提升香港作為國際交易和風險管理中心的競爭力。另一方面,中國證監會推出了加強香港金融市場的措施,進一步加大和有關部門的溝通協調力度,支持符合條件的內地行業龍頭企業赴港上市融資。此舉有利香港的新股上市市場,亦帶動二級市場的蓬勃發展。 其他報道 中銀:1月7日起可預約新鈔兌換預約 上商委任林永德為行政總裁 花旗:恒指曾跌逾500點屬正常 年底目標價兩萬八 許正宇:接獲逾750宗「新資本投資者入境計劃」申請 料總投資逾220億 渣打香港1月7日起開放網上預訂新鈔服務 兌換名額增25% 【有片:埋身擊】黃金和白銀上升乏力 宜採取高沽策略 匯豐本月14日起於指定自動櫃員機提供「迎新鈔」 7日起可網上預約兌新鈔 半日沽空金額增39% 騰訊沽空增0.6% 萬達酒店發展擬強制執行後償票據抵押而訂立之按揭 恒指半日跌297點 科指跌1.3% 齊見近1個月低 港三大發鈔銀行1月14日起提供新鈔及「迎新鈔」供市民兌換 A股半日向下 滬深三大指數跌逾1% 港元拆息全線向下 1個月HIBOR見1個月低 3個月期見3個月低 建鵬控股重挫逾8成 上日大漲逾七倍 高鑫零售曾挫35% 創上市以來最大跌幅 財新12月製造業PMI降至50.5 遜預期 連續三個月高於50 滬深三大指數低開 人行淨回籠2738億人幣 恒指低開127點 跌穿20、50天線、20000點關 科指跌0.7% 跌穿10天線 拜登:正追查Cybertruck爆炸是否與新奧爾良襲擊有關 港股ADR跌194點 夜期低水76點 美期下跌 馬斯克:拉斯維加斯Cybertruck爆炸 可能是恐怖主義行動 歐美股市元旦休市 Source link

Why Trump has so much riding on the House speaker vote

CNN  —  House speaker elections on Friday are less about Mike Johnson and more about Donald Trump. Johnson’s frantic fight to hold onto his job was still a cliffhanger heading into a fateful day for Republicans. But the president-elect has even more on the line – nothing less than his push for a fast start

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