Hong Kong touts free medical tests in deal with Antony Leung’s New Frontier

Hongkongers will be able to receive free medical tests and access internships under a deal between the government’s investment arm and a major healthcare service provider in the Greater Bay Area.

The Hong Kong Investment Corporation (HKIC) and the New Frontier Group, a company co-founded by former finance minister Antony Leung Kam-chung, announced the partnership on Wednesday.

The tie-up is aimed at accelerating the city’s development into an international healthcare and medical innovation hub.

Clara Chan Ka-chai, CEO of the HKIC, said the investment would help the New Frontier Group provide support for testing services, medical research and the development of clinical applications.

“Based on the need for scientific research, a certain number of free testing services will be provided to Hong Kong residents for specific research projects,” she said.

She added that further details would be released later.

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