Guangxi Pickled Pepper Salad – My Chinese Home Kitchen

In my hometown in rural Guangxi, pickled vegetables are common. For example, pickled cucumbers, pickled long beans, and pickled daikon radishes. Today we will make another sour and spicy side dish: Guangxi Pickled Pepper Salad.

Guangxi Pickled Peppers
Guangxi Pickled Peppers
Image Credit: Chen Jing for My Chinese Home Kitchen, 2025.

People in my hometown like to eat some salty or sour and spicy side dishes with porridge. This can easily complete a breakfast or dinner. Usually people will make some side dishes themselves if conditions permit. For example, pickled radishes. This Chinese pickled chili pepper recipe is also a sour and spicy dish. You can eat it as a snack or a side dish.

These peppers are called by many names, and there are several varieties (thread peppers, line peppers, Hunan peppers, Hangzhou peppers). Look for Hangzhou or Hunan peppers for this recipe. The peppers themselves are long, thin and spicy, and then we add some seasonings and some Zhenjiang vinegar. After pickling, this will be a very appetizing sour and spicy side dish. Guangxi pickled pepper salad is easy to make and does not need to be pickled for too long. Just let it marinate for a couple hours, and enjoy. After pickling, when you don’t eat it, put it in the refrigerator and it can be stored for 3-5 days.

Guangxi Pickled Peppers

Guangxi Pickled Pepper Salad

In my hometown in rural Guangxi, pickling vegetables is a common practice, and people like to have sour and spicy pickled vegetables as side dishes with their porridge. This is a sour and spicy side dish. You can also eat it as a healthy snack. The peppers themselves are spicy, and then we add some seasonings and some vinegar. After pickling, this will be a very appetizing sour and spicy side dish. And it is easy to make and does not need to be pickled for too long. After pickling, when you don’t eat it, put it in the refrigerator and it can be stored for 3-5 days.

Prep Time 5 minutes

Marinating 2 hours

Total Time 2 hours 5 minutes

Course Side Dish

Cuisine Chinese Home Cooking, Guangxi cuisine

Servings 2

Calories 166 kcal

  • Prepare the ingredients and clean them.

  • Slice the garlic cloves. Remove the stems of the chilies and cut them on the bias, into oblique slices as shown. Chop the cilantro.

    150 g Green long pepper, 30 g coriander, 5 fresh xiaomila peppers, 4 garlic cloves

  • Place the chopped peppers, garlic, and cilantro in a mixing bowl and add all seasonings.

    3 ml salt, 3 ml sugar, 15 ml light soy sauce , 20 ml Zhenjiang black vinegar, 15 ml toasted sesame oil, 5 ml Chinese chili powder

  • Mix well.

  • Marinate for 2 hours, then serve.

Calories: 166kcalCarbohydrates: 20gProtein: 5gFat: 10gSaturated Fat: 1gPolyunsaturated Fat: 4gMonounsaturated Fat: 5gSodium: 1183mgPotassium: 546mgFiber: 9gSugar: 6gVitamin A: 1544IUVitamin C: 131mgCalcium: 140mgIron: 4mg

Keyword hangzhou pepper, hunan pepper, line pepper, xiao mi la chili peppers

Other pickled vegetable recipes from Guangxi

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