Govt prepares for Typhoon Koinu

With Typhoon Koinu approaching Hong Kong, Acting Secretary for Security Michael Cheuk chaired an interdepartmental meeting this afternoon to co-ordinate preparatory work and faciltate prompt responses to the storm’s onset.


Representatives from 14 bureaus and departments attended the meeting. They were briefed by a Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) representative on the latest assessment of Koinu and reported on their respective precautionary measures and contingency plans.


The Government said departments had made good preparations to cope with any adverse conditions and will closely monitor high-risk locations to facilitate prompt responses. Information will also be disseminated to the public as soon as possible.


Participants also reviewed lessons from the challenges posed by Super Typhoon Saola and the low pressure associated with the remnant of Tropical Cyclone Haikui in late August and early September. Contingency plans were prepared following assessments of those weather events.


The Security Bureau (SB) will, as in the past, activate the Emergency Monitoring & Support Centre before the Gale or Storm Signal No. 8 is issued in order to co-ordinate efforts and resource deployment across various departments.


Representatives attending the interdepartmental meeting came from the SB, the Development Bureau, the Transport & Logistics Bureau, the Buildings Department, the Civil Engineering & Development Department, the Drainage Services Department, the Fire Services Department, the Home Affairs Department, the HKO, Police, the Highways Department, the Information Services Department, the Marine Department and the Transport Department.

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