Doctor warns popular ‘healthy’ snack can actually ‘contribute to weight gain’

A weight loss doctor has issued a stark warning that a particular snack could be sabotaging weight loss efforts

Overweight couple standing together wrapped with measure tape
Studies have shown that ultra-processed foods are strongly linked to obesity(Image: Vadym Petrochenko / Getty)

Scots looking to shed some pounds for summer will be doing all they can to gain better their knowledge on nutrition and exercise.

Supermarkets and social media may punt certain “healthy” snacks but some may be deceiving – and could even secretly sabotage your weight loss if you are not wise to the ingredients.

In fact, one weight loss doctor has warned how a popular “healthy” snack could be secretly expanding your waistline.

Protein bars are marketed as the ultimate healthy snack – perfect for gym-goers and busy professionals alike – but according to Professor Franklin Joseph of Dr Frank’s Weight Loss Clinic, they could be doing more harm than good.

“People assume that because a product is labelled as ‘high in protein’, it must be good for them,” Prof Joseph said. “The reality is that most protein bars are highly processed and packed with artificial sweeteners, syrups and preservatives that can contribute to weight gain rather than weight loss.”

A man using a tape to measure his stomach and waistline
One of the biggest claims made by protein bar manufacturers is that they help keep you full(Image: Ableimages / Getty)

A major study published in The BMJ found that people who eat more ultra-processed foods tend to gain weight over time, largely because these foods are designed to be hyper-palatable, making it easy to overeat them.

“The problem with protein bars is that they often contain more sugar and artificial additives than a standard chocolate bar,” Prof Joseph explained.

“Some bars contain as much as 20 grams of sugar, which causes blood sugar spikes followed by crashes – leading to hunger cravings soon after.”

One of the biggest claims made by protein bar manufacturers is that they help keep you full. But Prof Joseph warns that the type of protein used in these bars isn’t always effective in curbing cravings.

“Many bars use low-quality protein isolates, which don’t have the same satiety benefits as whole protein sources like eggs, lean meats or Greek yoghurt,” he said. “Additionally, the artificial sweeteners used to keep calories down can actually stimulate your appetite, making you eat more later on.”

Active young man taking a bite out of an energy bar and hydrating himself with a sport drink next to his friend
Protein bars have become more popular among fitness fanatics but they may be doing more harm than good(Image: Extreme Media / Getty)

Research published in Cell Metabolism suggests that people who eat ultra-processed foods tend to consume more calories overall, largely because these foods interfere with the body’s natural hunger signals.

Instead of reaching for a protein bar, Prof Joseph recommends choosing whole, natural foods that will keep you satisfied without the hidden downsides.

“A handful of nuts and seeds provides protein and healthy fats, while a pot of Greek yoghurt with berries delivers both protein and fibre to keep hunger at bay,” he said.

Other smart snack options include boiled eggs, which are a great source of high-quality protein with essential nutrients. Cottage cheese with cucumber is a winner as it is high in protein and low in calories.

Meanwhile, hummus with vegetable sticks provides fibre, protein and healthy fats.

“Not all protein bars are bad, but most of them are just ultra-processed junk with a protein label slapped on,” Prof Joseph warned. “If weight loss is your goal, you’re much better off sticking to real, unprocessed foods that nourish your body properly.”

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Senior Moments

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