Conan O’Brien Explains Why He Won’t Be Roasting Any Celebrities at the Oscars

Sparing us all the pain of having to watch Billy Crystal try to come up with a musical rhyme for “Brutalist,” the host of this year’s Academy Awards will be none other than former late-night talk show host/current acclaimed dramatic actor Conan O’Brien.  

But what will a Conan-hosted Oscars look like? Will there be singing? Pre-filmed bits? Will he spend an ungodly amount of time introducing Oprah Winfrey to Uma Thurman?

O’Brien recently chatted with Good Morning America’s Chris Connelly about his approach to the gig. One of the first questions that was posed to him was about just how mean he plans to be on “Hollywood’s Biggest Night.” It’s a fair line of inquiry considering that brutally ridiculing famous people has basically become the norm for movie award show hosts. Ricky Gervais very (very) vocally took that approach to hosting the Golden Globes in recent years, and there was much discussion about just how badly Nikki Glaser would roast the stars attending this year’s Golden Globes. 

But roast jokes haven’t always been the best fit at the slightly-less drunken Oscars. For example, during last year’s show, host Jimmy Kimmel tried to zing Robert Downey Jr. with a hacky reference to his drug problems that felt like a joke that Jay Leno would have cut from his monologue in 1996.

“You look out and you see the biggest stars in Hollywood in front of you, do you go after them? Do you bounce things off of them? Are you kind to them?” Connelly asked O’Brien. 

“I go after the ones who have personally been cruel to me,” O’Brien joked, prompting Connelly to fire back: “Where to begin?”

“I can let someone have it if I think, in the moment, they really need it,” O’Brien admitted. “But I’m also very comfortable, as a comedian, putting the joke on me.”

Throughout his career, Conan’s biggest comedic punching bag has been himself. His talent for self-deprecation seemingly knows no bounds, as evidenced by the time he invited Arnold Schwarzenegger to laugh at his half-naked body on network television.

But he does also have the ability to be mean, and hilariously so. He just doesn’t make it his entire comedic identity. Perhaps the best evidence of Conan’s crueler side is his decades-long relationship with his producer and know-it-all frenemy Jordan Schlansky.

During the GMA interview, Conan also revealed that his biggest challenge right now is trying to anticipate the right tone for the show. “L.A. has just been through this traumatic experience. There’s a lot that’s happening nationally that people are very tense about,” O’Brien explained. “It changes day-to-day. So my job right now with my writers is to create possibilities. “We’re going to have to get very close to the actual airdate to figure out what works (and) what doesn’t work.”

“It’s a tricky show, it’s a tricky time,” Conan noted. “And I’m going to give it my best shot. And if it doesn’t work out you will never see me again.”

Sadly, not all Oscar hosts have made that same promise.

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(中央社)Meta 29日表示,已同意支付2500萬美元(約新台幣8.2億元)和解金,以了結美國總統川普對Meta與執行長祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg)提起的訴訟。川普2021年指控Meta旗下社群媒體臉書與Instagram,在國會襲擊案之後不當暫停他的帳號。 《法新社》報導, 《華爾街日報》率先披露這場官司已和解的消息,這被視為川普的一項勝利。  《華爾街日報》引述瞭解和解協議內容的消息人士指出,和解金其中的2200萬美元將作為川普總統圖書館基金,其餘的和解金將會被用於支付其他參與此案的原告和相關費用。 而Meta在和解協議中,將不會承認暫停川普的帳號是不當行為。Meta發言人已向法新社證實這場官司以和解落幕。 Exclusive: Trump signed an agreement that would require Meta to pay $25 million to settle a lawsuit. The president sued in 2021 after his accounts were suspended. — The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) January 29, 2025 川普的支持者2021年1月6日企圖推翻2020年大選結果而強闖國會大廈,而川普的一些言論被認為在讚揚這起事件的參與者。這起事件爆發後,他大肆批評社群媒體暫停他的帳號。 然而,川普近期跟許多科技公司高層像是祖克柏以及社群平台X的老闆馬斯克(Elon Musk)交好。祖克柏與馬斯克本月20日均現身華府,出席川普的總統就職典禮。 祖克柏之前曾表示支持川普,而這名科技公司大老闆已經取消Meta旗下應用程式限制一些內容的規定,範圍擴及臉書(Facebook)、Instagram(IG)、Threads和WhatsApp。 祖克柏本月宣布取消事實查核時表示,Meta將會「恢復平台的言論自由」。 報導指出,這份和解協議是媒體公司面對川普第二任期所做出的最新示好舉動。 美國廣播公司新聞網(ABC News)去年同意支付1500萬美元(約新台幣4.92億元)和解金,以解決川普提起的誹謗訴訟。這起訴訟源於自ABC當家主播史蒂法諾普洛(George Stephanopoulos)去年3月期間,在節目中訪問聯邦眾議員梅斯(Nancy Mace)時聲稱,川普被裁決「必須為強暴負起責任」。 美國《全國公共廣播電台》(NPR)稱,這筆和解金象徵川普的重大勝利,也是祖克柏努力討好他的又一舉措。祖克柏在去年12月向當時為候任總統的川普捐贈100萬美元(約台幣3200萬元)的「就職基金」(inaugural

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【大紀元2025年01月30日訊】(大紀元記者秋生綜合報導)據報導,Meta將向川普(特朗普)總統支付2500萬美元和解金,以解決2021年1月6日國會大廈事件發生後,川普總統因Meta暫停其帳戶而提起的訴訟。 和解協議於週三(1月29日)在加利福尼亞州聯邦法院提交。一位熟悉和解條款的消息人士向《國會山報》證實,Meta已同意支付2500萬美元。 該訴訟持續了多年,川普在此期間因他Instagram和Facebook帳戶被暫停而不斷抨擊Meta及其首席執行官馬克‧扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg),現在終於取得了勝利。 《華爾街日報》率先報導了這項和解協議。 據《華爾街日報》報導,川普於週三在橢圓形辦公室簽署了和解協議。報導稱,和解協議中的約2200萬美元預計將用於川普總統圖書館的基金,其餘部分將用於支付法律費用和其他原告。 近年來,川普總統和其他共和黨人不斷批評Meta和其它社交平台審查保守派觀點,批評這些平台的內容審核政策,認為這些政策對保守派懷有偏見。 川普在2024年大選獲勝後對扎克伯格的態度有所緩和,後者則在川普連任後前往海湖莊園拜訪了總統,並出席了上週的總統就職典禮。 一些民主黨人則抨擊扎克伯格等其他科技高管試圖討好總統,以保護他們的公司免受不利的法律或政策舉措的影響。 1月7日,Facebook和Instagram的母公司、社交媒體巨頭Meta宣布,對內容審核政策作出重大調整,取消第三方事實核查。 當天,Meta首席執行官馬克‧扎克伯格宣布,對該公司內容審核政策進行重大調整,稱此舉是為了「回歸根本,專注於減少錯誤、簡化政策,並恢復言論自由」。 調整的內容包括:取消第三方事實核查計劃,取而代之的是名為「社區留言」(Community Notes)計劃。 該計劃與埃隆‧馬斯克(Elon Musk)的X平台上同名計劃類似,Meta的「社區留言」將依靠用戶提交留言對可能具有誤導性或缺乏背景的帖子進行更正。 此外,Meta在對內容審核規則進行更廣泛審查期間,取消了一些針對LGBTQ人士的言論保護措施,還將改變其在移民和性別等一些有爭議問題上的政策。 責任編輯:葉紫微#

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