Best Stock to Buy Right Now: Nike vs. Apple

Nike (NKE 0.56%) and Apple (AAPL 2.18%) are often considered stable blue chip stocks for conservative investors. They’re two of the most iconic American brands, they have plenty of pricing power, and they lead their respective markets.

But over the past three years, Nike’s stock price was cut in half as Apple’s stock price rallied over 30%. Let’s see why the tech giant outperformed the athletic footwear and apparel maker by such a wide margin — and if it’s still the better buy right now.

Image source: Getty Images.

Why did Nike’s stock plunge?

Nike’s revenue rose 5% in fiscal 2022 (which ended in May 2022) and 10% in fiscal 2023. But in fiscal 2024, its revenue growth flatlined.

Nike Direct, its direct-to-consumer business that handles its e-commerce sales and brick-and-mortar stores, only grew its revenue by 1% for the year as its soft digital sales largely offset the stronger growth of its physical stores. The weakness of its North American business also erased its stronger sales in China and other overseas markets.

The pressure worsened in the first half of fiscal 2025, as Nike Direct’s sales plunged by double digits and its total revenue dropped 9% year over year. For the full year, analysts expect Nike’s revenue and adjusted EPS to decline 10% and 48%, respectively.

Nike plans to break out of its rut by rebuilding its relationships with wholesale retailers to dilute its dependence on Nike Direct’s online business, selling a higher mix of premium full-price products to offset its markdowns and ramping up its spending on new products and marketing campaigns. But those strategies might not meaningfully boost its profits unless its revenue growth stabilizes again — and that could be tough to achieve as another tariff war erupts between the U.S. and China.

Nike’s business could warm up again in fiscal 2026 if those headwinds dissipate, but its stock still doesn’t look like a bargain at 29 times forward earnings. Its forward dividend yield of 2.1% also won’t attract any serious income investors.

Why did Apple’s stock rally?

Apple still generates over half of its revenue from the iPhone, so its growth generally ebbs and flows with the broader smartphone market. To offset its dependence on the iPhone, Apple expanded its services ecosystem — which now hosts over 1 billion paid subscriptions through its sticky services like Apple Music, Apple TV+, and iCloud.

Apple’s revenue grew 8% in fiscal 2022 (which ended in September 2022), but it fell 3% in fiscal 2023 as soft sales of iPhones, Macs, and iPads offset its rising services revenue. In fiscal 2024, its revenue increased 2% as its iPhone sales grew again. For fiscal 2025, analysts expect Apple’s revenue to grow 5% and 9%, respectively, even as its hardware business faces tariff headwinds, its services business deals with antitrust challenges, and it struggles to launch new hit hardware devices.

But despite all of those challenges, Apple is still a money-making machine, which ended its latest quarter with $141 billion in cash and marketable securities. That war chest gives it plenty of room for its future investments, acquisitions, buybacks, and dividends while making it a safe-haven play in a wobbly market. It also believes the expansion of its generative AI services will strengthen its walled garden and lock in more customers.

Apple’s stock isn’t cheap at 31 times forward earnings, and its forward dividend yield of 0.4% is barely worth mentioning. That said, it doesn’t face as many existential challenges as Nike, even though both companies could be squeezed by higher tariffs.

The better buy: Apple

It might be tempting to buy Nike’s stock after its steep drawdown, but it faces too many pressing issues. Apple’s stock won’t skyrocket anytime soon, but it should continue to generate bigger gains than Nike for at least the next few quarters.

Leo Sun has positions in Apple. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Apple and Nike. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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高盛表示,比亞迪在會上宣布推出21款搭載智能駕駛技術的新車,售價與舊款相同或更低。例如,海獅05 EV與宋Pro DM-i的智能駕駛版本售價比舊款低7%至9%,高盛認為此次比亞迪將高速NOA技術普及至7萬元級車型,標誌著其正式在大眾市場推動自動駕駛普及。而市場上此前最便宜搭載高速NOA的車型是零跑C10,售價為16.58萬元。 此外,比亞迪的入門級智能駕駛系統「天神之眼 C」的高速NOA已實現每1000公里零接管,代客泊車成功率達99%。 另一方面,受惠比亞迪智能駕駛技術廣泛應用,高盛對旗下比亞迪電子(0285)持正面看法,預計其業務將逐步向智能手機金屬中框與汽車電子領域轉型,推動未來幾年的毛利率提升。維持「買入」評級,目標價從51.02港元上調至58.46港元。 高盛指出,比亞迪目標到2025年實現300萬輛車配備高速NOA或更高級系統,滲透率達60%,進一步拉動中低端車型的智能駕駛功能普及。同時,比亞迪電子正從傳統資訊娛樂系統、數字儀表盤、音響及功放等汽車電子,逐步延伸至ADAS(高級駕駛輔助系統)、熱管理系統和懸掛系統等高端汽車零部件,其ADAS系統的平均售價在1000至9000元之間,高於一般汽車電子產品。 該行預計,隨著新產品線的推出,比亞迪電子毛利率將由2023年8%提升至2024年下半年8.3%、2025年8.8%以及2026年9.5%。同時,智能手機金屬中框與汽車電子收入佔比由2023年的11%增至2024年下半年26%、2025年36%和2026年40%。 該行又估計,營業利潤率將從2024年的2.6%逐步擴大到2026年的4.7%,淨利增長則預計由2024年的12%加速至2025年和2026年的61%及45%。 其他報道 獲深鐵金援 萬科股債向上 瑞穗:資金增加流入港股 與10月情況不同 總商會倡開徵3%至5%數碼服務稅 不贊成公務員減薪 內地將增開銀髮旅遊列車 目標2027年建成主題旅遊列車品牌 滬深三大指數午後向下 滬指終止三連升 高盛:對冲基金上周淨買入中國股票創四個月最多 首爾法院就沽空案 判匯豐無罪 萬國數據擬將國際業務在美IPO 集資約5億美元 David Tepper增持阿里、京東、百度、中國ETF 寧德時代據報最快今明兩日提交香港上市申請 集資最少390億元 匯控、麥格理據報開始加入澳洲郵政協議進行談判 半日沽空金額減28% 阿里沽空減26% 港股曾創4個月高 恒指半日跌126點 北水流入減72% 吉利挫一成 萬科獲深鐵集團貸款 銀河證券:萬科債券價格最受惠 股價受益較細 滬深三大指數半日向下 滬指跌0.16% 特朗普對所有輸美鋼鋁徵收25%關稅 加拿大:做法完全不合理 港元拆息普遍向下 1個月HIBOR近一周低 貨幣基礎兩周低 OpenAI與政府官員交談 懷疑DeepSeek採用未經授權方式獲取技術 特斯拉連跌四日 馬斯克身家兩個月來首跌破4000億美元 Meta裁減「低績效」員工 搶奪AI人才 馬斯克擬收購OpenAI 遭Altman拒絕並反稱以97億收購Twitter 澳洲總理:美國鋼鋁關稅

恒指收市跌227點 北水轉流出 金額兩個月最多 港元貶值一周最弱 (16:23) – 20250211 – 即時財經新聞

金價創新高,金股個別發展;關稅拖累鋼鋁股;比亞迪提高競爭力,創上市新高後倒跌,其他電車股重挫,吉利(0175)挫一成。 恒指今早高開134點,高位升160點,低位跌242點,高低波幅403點。上升股份比例為22.35%,下跌為44.59%,無升跌為33.04%。 恒指收市跌227點或1.06%,報21294點,大市成交金額2196億元,較上日減少9.44%,是2月6日1784.47億元成交後最少;國指跌104點或1.31%,報7842點。恒生科技指數收報5142點,跌2.73%。 藍籌股成交金額1143.78億元,佔大市成交52.08%;科指成份股成交金額798.03億元,佔大市成交36.34%;國指成份股成交金額1012.26億元,佔大市成交46.09%。 24隻雙櫃台股,總成交1.79億元人民幣,相當於約1.91億港元,佔大市成交的0.09%。 窩輪及牛熊證成交金額減少20.11%,至109.59億元,佔大市成交4.99%。牛熊證成交金額52.01億元,減少31.68%;窩輪成交金額57.57億元,減少5.68%。 藍籌15隻升,67隻下跌,1隻無升跌。舜宇(2382)升3.03%,收報85元,是升幅最大的藍籌,吉利(0175)跌10.27%,收報15.9元,是跌幅最大的藍籌。 恒生科技指數成份股4隻升,26隻下跌。升幅最大的是金蝶(0268)創52周高,見13.86元,收報13.26元,升3.76%;跌幅最大的是小鵬(9868)收報61.65元,跌9%。 恒指續高於10天線(20693.54點)。科指續高於10天線(4935.23點)。 北水南下合計淨流出88.98億元,終止連續3日流入。北水本月累計流入123.98億元。 三大指數表現 恒指曾升最多0.75%,高見21682.41點,是2024年10月8日22902.36點後最高。恒指曾跌最多1.13%,是2月5日後最大跌幅,當日跌幅為1.79%。低見21279.37點,是2月10日21223.61點後最低。今日收市報21294.86點,是2月7日後收市新低,當日報21133.54點。第1日陰燭。 科指曾升最多0.39%,高見5307.29點,是2024年10月7日5451.53點後最高。科指曾跌最多2.89%,是2月3日後最大跌幅,當日跌幅為3.2%。低見5133.62點,是2月7日5038.31點後最低。今日收市報5142.31點,是2月6日後收市新低,當日報5059.38點。第1日陰燭。 國指曾升最多0.64%,高見7997.81點,是2024年10月8日8259.18點後最高。國指曾跌最多1.38%,是2月5日後最大跌幅,當日跌幅為2.24%。低見7837.21點,是2月10日7814.58點後最低。今日收市報7842.72點,是2月7日後收市新低,當日報7784.07點。第1日陰燭。 午後消息股表現 首爾法院就沽空案 判匯豐無罪。匯控(0005)、麥格理據報開始加入澳洲郵政協議進行談判。創52周高,見83.8元,收報83.8元,升1.45%。 萬國數據(9698)擬將國際業務在美IPO 集資約5億美元。創52周高,見31.1元,收報30元,升10.7%。 David Tepper增持阿里(9988)、京東、百度、中國ETF。收報104.9元,跌0.57%。 京東(9618)收報158.5元,跌1.86%。 百度(9888)收報88.75元,跌0.78%。 貝殼控股(2423)收報49.1元,升1.55%。 今早及隔晚消息股表現 金價創新高 黃金股 中國黃金國際(2099)收報48.35元,跌1.23%。 靈寶黃金(3330)創52周高,見5.58元,收報5.21元,升2.16%。 紫金礦業(2899)收報16.38元,升1.49%。 招金礦業(1818)收報14.42元,跌1.37%。 價值黃金(3081)創上市新高,見69.54元,收報68.8元,升0.58%。 SPDR金ETF(2840)創上市新高,見2115元,收報2094元,升0.67%。 山東黃金(1787)收報16.08元,跌1.59%。 特朗普頒令對鋼鋁全面徵收25%關稅。 馬鞍山鋼鐵股份(0323)收報1.72元,跌4.44%。 鞍鋼股份(0347)收報1.54元,跌3.75%。 重慶鋼鐵股份(1053)收報0.89元,跌3.26%。 中國鋁業(2600)收報5.05元,跌0.79%。 中鋁國際(2068)收報1.86元,跌1.06%。 俄鋁(0486)收報3.14元,跌1.88%。 中芯(0981)最快今日公布業績。收報45.3元,跌5.23%。 聯亞集團(0458)擬尋求調整Reebok品牌特許經營權。收報2.54元,無升跌。 萬科(2202)獲深鐵集團28億元貸款,抵押2.12億股萬物雲作保。收報5.44元,跌0.18%。 堡獅龍(0933)大比例贊成票通過私有化,集中發展bossini X。收報0.57元,跌1.72%。 周企遠展(0035)擬洽購澳洲星億賭場渡假村五成 ,星億認為未提供足夠價值。收報0.86元,跌1.15%。 比亞迪(1211):高階智駕系統「天神之眼」車型最低門檻10萬人幣。創上市新高,見345元, 收報327.8元,跌0.73%。 其他汽車股 吉利(0175)收報15.9元,跌10.27%。 小鵬(9868)收報61.65元,跌9%。 理想(2015)收報99.7元,跌5.59%。 蔚來(9866)收報33.3元,跌2.2%。 零跑(9863)收報33.15元,跌6.22%。

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