– CE lauds HK athletes

Chief Executive John Lee today congratulated Hong Kong athletes on their outstanding achievements at the 19th Asian Games held in Hangzhou.


The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC), will hold a ceremony on October 14 to welcome the athletes home.


Mr Lee noted that Hong Kong sent the largest delegation ever to participate in this Asian Games. The athletes won a total of 53 medals, comprising eight golds, 16 silvers and 29 bronzes. The total number of medals and sports events surpassed any previous Asian Games.


Hong Kong athletes won gold medals in rowing, fencing, swimming, rugby, golf, cycling and bridge. The Hong Kong men’s football team also made a historic appearance in the Asian Games’ semi-finals.


“The Hong Kong athletes had endured arduous training over the years and fought hard in the competitions, displaying professional sportsmanship. I believe that all Hong Kong people, like myself, are extremely proud of the grace shown by all our athletes in the Games,” the Chief Executive said.


He added that the Hong Kong SAR Government will continue to fully support Hong Kong athletes and sports development in the city.


“Over the years, the Government has continued to provide resources to the Hong Kong Sports Institute, the SF&OC as well as various national sports associations to promote the development of elite athletes.


“Taking the budget expenditure for 2023-24 as an example, we have provided approximately $1.18 billion in funding to carry out work relating to supporting elite sports.


“In addition to the policy objectives of supporting elite sports, maintaining Hong Kong as a centre for major international sports events and promoting sports in the community, we will explore ways to further promote sports development in Hong Kong through enhanced professionalism in the sports sector and development of sports as an industry.”


Mr Lee also pointed out that the Government will continue to listen to the views of the sports sector and the public as well as introduce suitable measures to boost the sports culture in the community and raise the performance level of sports.

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