Head Of Development

Head of Development

iTES Technologies Limited
Posted 20 hours ago

Job Highlights

  • Technical & development related activities
  • Well-versed in trends in technical innovation
  • Attractive remuneration

Job Description


We are a young, dynamic start-up company (part of a successful long-standing group of companies) delivering digital platforms to the commercial, education and charity sectors. We are searching for an equally dynamic leader to enthusiastically drive our business and technology expansion and play a significant role in our success.
Your responsibilities will include ensuring excellent technology and quality standards and maintain high customer satisfaction. To be successful in this role, you should be a thoughtful leader and a confident decision-maker, helping our people develop and be productive, while ensuring our platform and services meet customer needs.  Enthusiastic and even passionate about our company, our products and your own career path, you will demonstrate your drive to succeed. Ultimately, you will help our company grow and thrive.
Essential Duties:
Reporting directly to the Founders, the Development Head has the authority and responsibility for all technical and development related activities of the company.  As well as a strong technical background, strategic thinking and a strong business acumen are essential in this role. We expect you to be well-versed in trends in technical innovation as well as familiarity with a variety of business concepts.
You will have significant and proven experience of leadership/management of technical delivery within an education, social welfare or commercial environment.
You will:
  • In association with all stakeholders (including NGOs, relevant HKSAR Government Departments, Research bodies, etc.), determine the company’s strategy in meeting stakeholder goals and targets.
  • Develop all aspects of the company’s technical strategy to ensure alignment with its business goals.
  • Work with the business teams to expand our current customer base within identified business sectors.
  • Work with sister companies to discover and implement new technologies that yield competitive advantage.
  • Lead the development of our innovative platforms across both mobile and server platforms, cloud based systems and artificial intelligence (AI) based technologies, keeping us at the forefront of innovation.
  • Establish meaningful KPIs to demonstrate continued relevance and achievement of company and other stakeholder long term and short-term objectives.
  • Continuously monitor KPIs and budgets to assess and improve overall performance.
  • Use stakeholders’ feedback to inform necessary improvements and adjustments to technology to maintain relevance and competitive position.
  • Communicate company strategy to partners and investors.
  • Oversee management of the development team, leading your team to meet established KPIs.
  • Resolve resource and time conflicts.


This is a senior, high profile role in the company and a suitably knowledgeable and decisive individual is sought. You will have previously been a senior manager within NGOs and/or managed similar digitalization projects and ready for the ultimate challenge of your career.
  • BSc/BA in Computer Science, Engineering or a related field; MBA or other relevant graduate degree is a plus.
  • Knowledge of current technological trends to build strategy.
  • Good depth of technical knowledge across all platform types and delivery mechanisms.
  • Knowledge of (and preferably experience of) implementation of AI based solutions.
  • Understanding of budgets and business-planning.
  • Good knowledge of relevant legislation and best practices.
  • Ability to conduct in depth analyses and research in relevant fields.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Leadership and organizational abilities.
  • Strategic thinking.
  • Problem-solving aptitude.
  • Ability to adapt and prioritize.
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
  • Ability to think ahead and anticipate problems, issues and solutions.
  • Ability to multitask, prioritize and manage time effectively.

You are welcome to visit the following websites for more information:

Please send your full resume with current and expected salary and availability by clicking “Apply Now”.
(All information collected will be treated as strictly confidential and used for recruitment purpose only)

Additional Information

Career Level
Years of Experience
15 years
Job Type
Full Time
Visited 1 times, 1 visit(s) today

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