Tesla isn’t the Elon Musk company you should worry about. It’s Starlink.

The next phase of Elon Musk’s plan to entangle his companies with the workings of the federal government is well underway. That entails not only President Donald Trump’s photo op with a Tesla in front of the White House but also, surprisingly, the future of your internet connection.

More specifically, Musk is making moves that could change the way millions of Americans access the internet by boosting Starlink, the satellite-based internet company operated by his company, SpaceX, of which he is the founder, CEO, and major shareholder.

Starlink and other space-based internet projects work by beaming internet service from satellites in orbit down to Earth’s surface, as opposed to wired broadband internet, which typically relies on fiber-optic cable. Satellite internet’s major advantage is that, with a few exceptions, it can work almost anywhere on the planet. Its drawbacks — including slow speeds, high latency, and spotty reliability — mean that fiber internet is better for the vast majority of people right now.

In the last week or so, the Commerce Department said it plans to rewrite the rules of a $42 billion high-speed internet initiative in a way that would benefit Starlink. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) meanwhile granted Starlink a waiver that will make its new service, which lets phones connect to satellites, more powerful, as satellite competitors urged the agency to rein in Musk’s company, which they say is “anticompetitive.”

Musk affiliates have also reportedly instructed government agencies to start using Starlink, and the General Services Administration is already doing it, apparently without oversight. SpaceX confirmed that it’s leasing Starlink kits to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), amid reports that the agency might cancel a $2.4 billion contract with Verizon and award it to Starlink instead. The company denied that it was trying to take over the contract.

There are billions of dollars at stake here, but this isn’t just about the money. (Musk doesn’t really need it.) Some people are worried that these developments represent the early steps of a power shift in the telecom industry, one that could result in the world’s richest man deciding how the nation’s communications network works.

“We have never before had a situation where the owner of a major communications company is inside the government. This is a very unusual situation.”

In addition to hacking away at the federal government in his unelected position as the head of DOGE, Musk could also become the single individual who is “the dominant force in telecom policy,” according to Blair Levin, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institute and former chief of staff at the FCC. What’s more, the US telecommunications system is key to national security, and Musk’s business interests might not always line up with Washington’s.

“We have never before had a situation where the owner of a major communications company is inside the government. This is a very unusual situation,” Levin said. “It’s very troubling.”

Some of this must sound hyperbolic. It’s also hypothetical — for now. I’ve been writing about Starlink since before it launched its first batch of satellites in 2019, and from bringing remote parts of the world online to connecting Ukrainian soldiers at war, there’s no doubt that the technology is incredible.

But if recent events are any indication, the Trump administration plans to advantage Starlink in ways that benefit Musk more than the people who need better internet service. It also opens the door for Musk to become a much bigger power broker in the telecom world — and have more of a say in how you get online.

Elon’s space internet is not better than Earth internet yet

It’s tempting to think Starlink is the future of internet service. It’s very easy to set up, which is a huge deal to anyone who lacks broadband access — soldiers in Ukraine, for example, or farmers in rural America. But Starlink is not the same as the fiber-based broadband that’s become the gold standard for internet access.

For a number of reasons, space internet isn’t as fast, as reliable, or as cheap as terrestrial broadband. That’s why Congress prioritized companies that lay fiber-optic cable with the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program, which provides federal funding to bring high-speed internet access to as many as 8 million Americans who have never had it, as part of the 2021 infrastructure bill. Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick now wants to make the program “technology neutral,” a change that would increase Starlink’s chances of getting grants. Whereas Musk’s company was on track to receive a little over $4 billion under the old rules, Starlink could now get between $10 billion and $20 billion, according to the Wall Street Journal.

If the Commerce Department goes through with the proposed changes to the BEAD program, its implementation would be delayed — more than one expert told me it would be by at least a year. Which is ironic given that Republicans made delays in BEAD’s rollout a talking point during the 2024 election. This process involves digging miles of trenches for tubes of cables that connect far-flung parts of the country. It takes time and costs money, but this infrastructure would last for decades.

“It is truly a historic opportunity to get fiber to a lot of these places,” Drew Garner, director of policy engagement at the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society, told me. “We’ll probably never have another opportunity like this.”

Starlink dishes are easy to set up, but they don’t offer the same speed and reliability as fiber.
Cate Dingley/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Some argue that Starlink and other satellite-based internet companies could get people online more quickly and without the expense of laying fiber. Starlink already has more than 7,000 satellites in orbit and is trying to add more. But it’s unclear how quickly Starlink could actually add more users, since the company already has a waiting list for people to sign up because its network is at capacity.

That’s not to mention the fact that, for now, Starlink is neither faster nor cheaper than terrestrial broadband. Starlink delivers download speeds of 50 to 100 Mbps, while the FCC defines broadband as 100 Mbps. The average download speed in the US is about 275 Mbps. Starlink also currently charges customers $80 a month for its “Residential Lite” service, while the average US internet bill is $78 a month.

This is what makes the Trump administration’s apparent preferential treatment of Musk’s company so frustrating. It’s a poorer solution that takes longer and doesn’t result in savings for most Americans.

Musk posts Starlink into the FAA

We don’t yet know how things will shake out with BEAD. The Commerce Department could change its mind, and the broadband infrastructure expansion could break ground in a few states this spring. However, the Trump administration is already starting to use Starlink in unusual ways.

The FAA, like many federal government agencies, is dealing with massive staff cuts at the behest of Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency. Just days after 67 people died in a midair collision near Washington’s Reagan Airport, Musk’s staff urged FAA staffers to accept buyout offers, which more than 1,300 of them did, according to the Atlantic. DOGE also ended up firing about 400 FAA employees. When Musk’s team tried to lay off air traffic controllers, Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy finally intervened.

At the same time — and operating on orders from Musk himself — a SpaceX engineer started to deploy Starlink technology on FAA systems. Musk posted on X that “the Verizon communication system to air traffic control is breaking down very rapidly,” that “the situation is extremely dire,” and that he would send Starlink dishes to the rescue. The FAA has since confirmed that it’s reviewing the $2.4 billion Verizon contract and testing Starlink equipment at several locations, including in Alaska, New Jersey, and Oklahoma.

Musk’s posting-fueled intervention at the FAA is a scary one. Almost single-handedly, the billionaire threw cold water on a contract with Verizon, one that will affect the safety and security of Americans. Although it’s not clear if Starlink will indeed take over this particular contract, we have a glimpse at what it looks like for a singular bureaucrat — one that sells satellite dishes that don’t always work — to call the shots.

“If you’re downloading stuff to your house in a rural area, and your speed drops because the system is oversubscribed, that’s annoying,” said Harold Feld, senior vice president of Public Knowledge. “If you’re the FAA, and your speed drops because the capacity is oversubscribed, that’s deadly.”

Project 2025’s surprising role in all this

Elon Musk and DOGE, which is run by employees of Musk’s companies, certainly appear to be operating within the federal government to promote the best interests of those companies. The “why” of it all will take some time to figure out. Less than two months into Trump’s second presidency, we’re too busy keeping track of what’s even happening, especially where Musk is involved.

As for Starlink and Elon Musk’s apparent ambitions to dominate the US telecom industry, the FCC’s cooperation is essential. And Brendan Carr, the agency’s new chair, happens to be a big Elon Musk fan. Carr first made contact with Musk on X, where the two exchanged complaints about Democrats denying Starlink broadband subsidies and blamed Kamala Harris for rolling BEAD out too slowly. Carr was also the author of the chapter on the FCC for the big report published by the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025. In it, he argues against terrestrial broadband expansion and in favor of accelerating the development of satellite technology, like Starlink.

Starlink constellations look spectacular after they launch, but each satellite only lasts five years in orbit.

Starlink constellations look spectacular after they launch, but each satellite only lasts five years in orbit.
George Rose/Getty Images

One of Project 2025’s main goals is to “dismantle the administrative state,” and in Musk, the right found a key ally. Musk has also found an opportunity: When the bureaucrats are all fired, someone still has to make decisions, and it’s easier to move quickly without any oversight.

Across the world, people are setting Tesla dealerships on fire to protest Musk’s gutting of the federal workforce and hoping to tank its stock. But what’s happening more quietly with Starlink, the Commerce Department, and the FCC shows that the multibillionaire isn’t just interested in making money. He’s consolidating power in Washington and helping determine what the future will look like.

Selling cars is one thing, but taking control over America’s telecommunications network is another. Musk is not there yet, but we have already seen Musk use Starlink specifically to intervene in military operations abroad — he prevented Ukraine from launching a surprise attack against Russia in 2022. That sets a scary precedent for what the future holds.

“Elon Musk has been pretty cavalier about his ability to turn on or turn off Starlink to influence policy decisions,” Garner, from the Benton Institute, told me, referring to a series of recent posts on X from Musk about cutting off Starlink access in Ukraine.

It’s not just scary that Musk is becoming more powerful in the telecom industry. It is uniquely terrifying that he alone could decide to bring networks down. And that might be an even more important development to keep our eyes on than the Tesla ad he produced in front of the White House.

A version of this story was also published in the User Friendly newsletter. Sign up here so you don’t miss the next one!

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受汽車和汽油價格下跌影響,美國2月份CPI升幅創四個月來最低,但經濟學家預計貿易戰升級將在未來幾個月內推高各類商品價格。 關稅方面,歐盟和加拿大先後宣布對美國鋼鋁關稅的反制措施,特朗普表示將對歐盟的關稅反制做出回應,並抨擊愛爾蘭對美貿易順差,重申對等關稅威脅,全球貿易戰面臨進一步升級的風險。高盛CEO表示,美國商界領袖們希望特朗普能降低政策不確定性。 美國政府停止運作方面,美國參議院民主黨領袖舒默表示,民主黨將阻止共和黨為避免政府周六停止運作而提出的支出法案,並敦促共和黨接受民主黨所提撥款到4月11日的計劃。 俄烏戰爭方面,普京據悉可能對停火談判採用「拖字訣」,以確保己方條件得到最大滿足,可能要求把停止向烏克蘭供應武器作為停火條件之一。 道瓊斯工業平均指數收跌82點,跌幅0.2%,報41350點。標普500指數收漲27點,升幅0.49%,報5599點。納斯達克綜合指數收漲212點,或1.22%,報17648點。 麥當勞跌2.4%,報299.4美元(下同),是拖累道指跌幅最大的藍籌,拖累45點,而Salesforce升2.72%,報284.58元,貢獻道指46點。 科技股方面,蘋果(美:AAPL)收市報216.98元,跌1.74%,谷歌母公司Alphabet(美:GOOGL)收市報167.11元,升1.87%,亞馬遜(美:AMZN)收市報198.89元,升1.16%,Facebook母公司Meta(美:META)收市報619.56元,升2.28%,英偉達(美:NVDA)收市報115.74元,升6.41%,微軟(美:MSFT)收市報383.27元,升0.74%,Tesla (美:TSLA)收市報248.09元,升7.59%。 歐洲STOXX 600指數收漲0.82%,報541點。德國DAX指數收漲1.56%,報22676點;法國CAC 40指數漲0.6%,報7988點;英國富時100指數收漲0.53%,報8540點。 納斯達克中國金龍指數收跌1.22%,報7883點。 美國2年期債息曾升最多1.47%,是3月11日後最大升幅,當日升幅為1.75%。高見4.0011厘,是3月7日4.0205厘後最高。收市報3.9866厘,是3月7日後收市新高,當日報3.9997厘。連升2日,累計升0.1033厘,對上一次連升2日是3月5日。 美國10年期債息曾升最多1.16%,是3月11日後最大升幅,當日升幅為1.9%。高見4.3297厘,是3月6日4.3417厘後最高。收市報4.3124厘,是2月24日後收市新高,當日報4.4003厘。連升2日,累計升0.0993厘,對上一次連升2日是3月5日。 美2年期10年期債息差曾低見31.159基點,是3月11日30.366基點後最窄。收市報31.96基點,是3月7日後收市最窄,當日報29.935基點。 美3個月10年期債息差終止11日倒掛,曾高見1.541基點,是3月7日1.894基點後最闊。收市報0.579基點,是2月24日後收市新闊,當日報9.88基點。 道指曾跌最多1.02%,是3月11日後最大跌幅,當日跌幅為1.76%。低見41010.24點,是2024年9月12日40665.53點後最低。收市報41350.93點,是2024年9月12日後收市新低,當日報41096.77點。連跌3日,累計跌1450.79點,對上一次連跌3日是2024年12月31日。連續第3日陰燭,對上一次連續第3日陰燭是2月24日。 標指曾升最多1.26%,是3月5日後最大升幅,當日升幅為1.43%。高見5642.19點,是3月10日5705.37點後最高。收市報5599.3點,是3月10日後收市新高,當日報5614.56點。連續第3日陰燭,對上一次連續第3日陰燭是2月24日。 納指曾升最多2.09%,是1月28日後最大升幅,當日升幅為2.16%。高見17800.1點,是3月10日17868.07點後最高。收市報17648.45點,是3月7日後收市新高,當日報18196.22點。連續第3日陰燭,對上一次連續第3日陰燭是2月24日。 其他報道 北水增持盈富 減持京基金融國際 Source link

恒指高開16點 科指升0.38% 理想升2.8% (09:26) – 20250313 – 即時財經新聞

藍籌36隻升,19隻下跌,28隻無升跌。理想(2015)升2.85%,報115.5元,是升幅最大的藍籌,萬洲(0288)跌1.75%,報6.74元,是跌幅最大的藍籌。 恒生科技指數成份股20隻升,4隻下跌,6隻無升跌。升幅最大的是理想(2015)收報115.5元,升2.85%;跌幅最大的是嗶哩嗶哩(9626)收報166.8元,跌0.83%。 恒指續高於10天線(23586.68點)。科指續高於10天線(5806.95點)。 新秀麗(1910)全年少賺13% 派息0.1074美元 料全球旅遊業及觀光業穩步增長。開市報19.94元,升2.26%。 多間公司最快今日公布業績,績前表現如下,東方海外(0316)開市報115元,跌0.17%。 太古(0019)開市報73.4元,升0.27%。 太古股份公司B(0087)無成交,報11.38元。 九龍倉集團(0004)無成交,報20.35元。 白雲山(0874)無成交,報18.6元。 中銀航空租賃(2588)開市報62.7元,升1.7%。 俄鋁(0486)開市報5.14元,升1.58%。 順豐房託(2191)無成交,報3.22元。 廖創興企業(0194)無成交,報3.87元。 惠理集團(0806)無成交,報1.72元。 越秀交通基建(1052)無成交,報3.79元。 粵運交通(3399)開市報1.73元,無升跌。 江銅(0358)斥1807萬美元增持索爾黃金,持股升至逾12%成最大股東。開市報13.48元,升0.45%。 百度(9888):完成發行20億美元零息可交換債券。開市報90.3元,升0.28%。 國泰(0293):客運力未來一年有增長空間,目標年底航點突破100個。香港快運盈轉虧,林紹波:基本營運數據理想,長遠仍看好。國泰調整有擔保可轉換債券轉換價,未償還本金總額21.64億元。開市報10.7元,跌1.83%。 艾德韋宣(9919)全年少賺26.6%至7924萬人幣,末期息連特別息共3.3仙。開市報0.93元,無升跌。 Capital Group,增持攜程(9961)。開市報474元,無升跌。 瑞銀增持平保(2318)。開市報46.9元,跌0.42%。 阿里(9988)蔡崇信:人工智能市場規模最少78萬億元。開市報133.8元,跌0.74%。 非凡領越(0933):testoni,將於米蘭設立全球旗艦店。無成交,報0.455元。 美銀上調舜宇(2382)目標價至102元,評級「買入」。開市報87.1元,無升跌。 破頂股表現 破頂股包括,趣致集團(0917)創上市新高,見92.05元,開市報92.05元,升0.05%;九方智投控股(9636)創上市新高,見43.45元,開市報43.45元,升2.24%;赤峰黃金(6693)創上市新高,見13.98元,開市報13.98元,升2.49%;農行(1288)創52周高,見4.88元,開市報4.88元,無升跌;東亞銀行(0023)創52周高,見12元,開市報12元,升1.69%;杉杉品牌(1749)創52周高,見1.15元,開市報1.15元,升5.5%;中國建築國際(3311)創52周高,見12.98元,開市報12.98元,升1.25%。 破底股方面 2隻股份創上市新低,包括啓明醫療-B(2500)低見1.89元,開市報1.89元,跌66.37%;瀚華金控(3903)低見0.141元,開市報0.141元,跌14.02%。 異動股 上升異動股,包括,陽光100中國(2608)開市報0.023元,升15%;新吉奧房車(0805)開市報1.32元,升14.78%;中國旭陽集團(1907)開市報3.26元,升14.39%;首惠產業金融(0730)開市報0.136元,升14.29%;中國紅包(8316)開市報0.275元,升12.24%;交大慧谷(8205)開市報0.41元,升10.81%;億華通(2402)開市報34.95元,升10.6%;智雲健康(9955)開市報1.47元,升9.7%;國家聯合資源(0254)開市報0.046元,升9.52%;永旺(0984)開市報0.43元,升8.86%。 下跌異動股,包括,啓明醫療-B(2500)創上市新低,見1.89元,開市報1.89元,跌66.37%;瀚華金控(3903)創上市新低,見0.141元,開市報0.141元,跌14.02%;兗煤澳洲(3668)開市報26.4元,跌11.26%;祈福生活服務(3686)開市報0.57元,跌10.94%;金川國際(2362)開市報0.66元,跌9.59%;百利達集團控股(8179)開市報0.085元,跌6.59%;鷹普精密(1286)開市報3.8元,跌5.71%;高陽科技(0818)開市報0.36元,跌4%;FI南方比特幣(7376)開市報5.37元,跌3.94%;正榮地產(6158)開市報0.05元,跌3.85%。 其他報道 新秀麗全年少賺13% 派息0.1074美元 料全球旅遊業及觀光業穩步增長 港股ADR升110點 夜期高水33點 東方海外、太古、九倉等業績 道指連跌3日見半年低 收跌82點 美3個月10年期債息終止11日倒掛 北水增持盈富 減持京基金融國際 Source link

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港元拆息全線向下 總結餘上升 Shibor普遍向下 (11:16) – 20250313 – 即時財經新聞

港元現報7.7714元貶值21點子,曾貶值最多21點子,報7.7714元,亦曾升值最多5點子,報7.7688元。 港元拆息、港元存息(彭博纽约综合利率)可看附圖。彭博終端機於2024年6月1日起停止提供港元隔夜平均指數(HONIA)數據。 HIBOR 短線拆息方面,隔夜HIBOR跌60.48點子至2.6675%,是1月17日後最低;1星期HIBOR跌29.73點子至3.35488%,是3月10日後最低;2星期HIBOR跌18.54點子至3.48381%,是3月10日後最低。 中長線拆息方面,3個月期HIBOR跌1.3點子至3.90232%,是2月14日後最低;6個月期HIBOR跌1.02點子至3.99929%,是2月20日後最低;12個月期HIBOR跌0.48點子至4.05446%,是2月19日後最低。 貨幣基礎 貨幣基礎方面,上日總額減9.89億元,至總數19716.31億元,是3月5日後最低。當中的負債證明書(Certificates of Indebtedness)較上一日減10.2億元,至總數6055.25億元,是3月5日後最低。政府發行的流通紙幣及硬幣較上一日增0.03億元,至總數132.56億元,是3月10日後最高。收市總結餘為447.2億元,較再上一日增0.62億元,總結餘是3月4日後最高。未償還外匯基金票據及債券較上一日減0.34億元,至總數13081.3億元,是3月10日後最低,其中,持牌銀行所持有數額較上一日增1.38億元,至總數12028.2億元,是3月6日後最高。 總結餘變動原因 外匯基金票據及債券所付利息或新發行量,相隔4日後,再有變動,增0.62億元。 美匯美息 美元指數現報103.546貶值0.066點或0.06%。 美元1個月期 CME Term SOFR上日報4.3248%,將同一日的港元1個月期HIBOR減美元1個月期 CME Term SOFR的利差為-0.412%,終止連續4日擴闊,利差是2025年2月28日後最窄,當日差距為-0.3645%。 對上一次終止連續4日擴闊,是2025年3月04日,當日利差報-0.4425%。 上海銀行同業拆息(Shibor) Shibor普遍向下。短線拆息方面,隔夜Shibor升1.3點子至1.771%,是3月11日後最高;1星期Shibor跌0.6點子至1.774%,是3月7日後最低;2星期Shibor跌2.2點子至1.85%,是3月6日後最低;1個月期Shibor升0.7點子至1.961%,是2024年4月30日後最高。 中長線拆息方面,6個月期Shibor跌0.1點子至2.001%,是3月11日後最低;6個月期Shibor跌0.1點子至2.001%,是3月11日後最低;1年期Shibor跌0.2點子至2.002%,是3月11日後最低。   其他報道 據報港交所正討論降每手股數 降入場門檻 瑞銀重新預期美元2025年偏軟 官媒:穩住股市決心就是信心 參議院領袖舒默:將阻止避免政府停止運作方案 據報匯控為部分投資銀行家安排短期留用協議 英特爾新CEO稱維持晶片代工策略 Ares據報擬折扣價從銀行收購部分新世界債券 維昇藥業IPO 入場費7603.92元 獅騰控股推Geene TurboGT 少於1秒實現AI生成回應 金川國際折讓13%配股 籌3.8億 滬深三大指數低開 人行進行359億人幣逆回購 恒指高開16點 科指升0.38% 理想升2.8% 新秀麗全年少賺13% 派息0.1074美元 料全球旅遊業及觀光業穩步增長 港股ADR升110點 夜期高水33點 東方海外、太古、九倉等業績 道指連跌3日見半年低 收跌82點 美3個月10年期債息終止11日倒掛

恒指半日跌173點 科指跌2.1%見一周低 失守10天、20天線 (12:08) – 20250313 – 即時財經新聞

恒指今早高開16點,高位升112點,低位跌182點,高低波幅295點。上升股份比例為18.92%,下跌為36.08%,無升跌為44.98%。 恒指半日跌173點或0.74%,報23426點,大市成交金額1215億元;國指跌70點或0.81%,報8611點。恒生科技指數收報5718點,跌2.17%。 藍籌股成交金額508.48億元,佔大市成交41.85%;科指成份股成交金額365.3億元,佔大市成交30.06%;國指成份股成交金額467.72億元,佔大市成交38.49%。 24隻雙櫃台股,總成交0.35億元人民幣,相當於約0.37億港元,佔大市成交的0.03%。 窩輪及牛熊證成交金額減少12.42%,至134.25億元,佔大市成交11.04%。牛熊證成交金額57.48億元,減少2.19%;窩輪成交金額76.76億元,減少18.78%。 藍籌23隻升,56隻下跌,4隻無升跌。神華(1088) 升2.09%,收報31.8元,是升幅最大的藍籌,快手(1024)跌5.09%,收報62.5元,是跌幅最大的藍籌。 恒生科技指數成份股3隻升,27隻下跌。升幅最大的是騰訊音樂-SW(1698)收報47.15元,升0.75%;跌幅最大的是同程旅行(0780)收報18.38元,跌8.33%。 恒指跌穿10天線(23567.73點),下試20天線(23338.58點)。科指跌穿10天線(5792.04點)、20天線(5746.98點)。 北水南下合計淨流入17.18億元,較上日減少93.44%,連續第2日流入,累計流入279.3億元,對上一次連續2日淨流入是3月6日。北水本月累計流入890.69億元,連續第21個月流入。北水交易成交額(包括買入及賣出交易)529.86億元,較上日減58.51%,佔香港市場成交額由上日的22.93%減至21.79%。 傳內地監管機構促四大行維持對新世界(0017)現有信貸額度。Ares據報擬折扣價從銀行收購部分新世界債券。收報5.27元,升1.74%。 據報港交所(0388)正討論降每手股數 降入場門檻。收報347.6元,跌0.52%。 據報匯控(0005)為部分投資銀行家安排短期留用協議。收報85.8元,升0.88%。 獅騰控股(2562)推Geene TurboGT 少於1秒實現AI生成回應。收報25.25元,升0.8%。 金川國際(2362)折讓13%配股 籌3.8億。收報0.64元,跌12.33%。 新秀麗(1910)全年少賺13% 派息0.1074美元 料全球旅遊業及觀光業穩步增長。收報19.78元,升1.44%。 多間公司最快今日公布業績,績前表現如下,東方海外(0316)收報112.4元,跌2.43%。 太古(0019)收報70.95元,跌3.07%。 太古股份公司B(0087)收報11.32元,跌0.53%。 九龍倉集團(0004)收報19.62元,跌3.59%。 白雲山(0874)收報18.3元,跌1.61%。 中銀航空租賃(2588)收報62元,升0.57%。 俄鋁(0486)收報5.28元,升4.35%。 順豐房託(2191)收報3.21元,跌0.31%。 廖創興企業(0194)收報3.87元,無升跌。 惠理集團(0806)收報1.7元,跌1.16%。 越秀交通基建(1052)收報3.71元,跌2.11%。 粵運交通(3399)收報1.71元,跌1.16%。 江銅(0358)斥1807萬美元增持索爾黃金,持股升至逾12%成最大股東。收報13.38元,跌0.3%。 百度(9888):完成發行20億美元零息可交換債券。收報89.4元,跌0.72%。 國泰(0293):客運力未來一年有增長空間,目標年底航點突破100個。香港快運盈轉虧,林紹波:基本營運數據理想,長遠仍看好。國泰調整有擔保可轉換債券轉換價,未償還本金總額21.64億元。收報10.28元,跌5.69%。 艾德韋宣(9919)全年少賺26.6%至7924萬人幣,末期息連特別息共3.3仙。收報0.89元,跌4.3%。 Capital Group,增持攜程(9961)。收報468.4元,跌1.18%。 瑞銀增持平保(2318)。收報46.85元,跌0.53%。 阿里(9988)蔡崇信:人工智能市場規模最少78萬億元。收報131.1元,跌2.74%。 非凡領越(0933):testoni,將於米蘭設立全球旗艦店。收報0.475元,升4.4%。 美銀上調舜宇(2382)目標價至102元,評級「買入」。收報85.7元,跌1.61%。 破頂股表現 破頂股包括,趣致集團(0917)創上市新高,見96.9元,收報95.45元,升3.75%;德林國際(1126)創上市新高,見6.25元,收報6.16元,跌0.32%;九方智投控股(9636)創上市新高,見43.45元,收報41.3元,跌2.82%;零跑汽車(9863)創上市新高,見50.4元,收報48.8元,無升跌;佑駕創新(2431)創上市新高,見34.3元,收報29.3元,升6.16%;越疆科技(2432)創上市新高,見68.85元,收報63.15元,升22.15%;赤峰黃金(6693)創上市新高,見13.98元,收報13.68元,升0.29%;東亞銀行(0023)創52周高,見12元,收報11.98元,升1.53%;第一太平(0142)創52周高,見5.01元,收報4.88元,跌1.41%;潼關黃金(0340)創52周高,見0.87元,收報0.82元,升3.8%;遠大醫藥(0512)創52周高,見6.09元,收報5.94元,升13.36%;嘉里建設(0683)創52周高,見18.04元,收報17.86元,升2.29%;中基長壽科學(0767)創52周高,見0.485元,收報0.44元,升10%;中國鐵塔(0788)創52周高,見12.46元,收報12.22元,無升跌。 破頂指數成份股包括,招商銀行(3968)創52周高,見49.25元,收報48.65元,升1.88%;農行(1288)創52周高,見4.98元,收報4.93元,升1.02%。 破底股方面 9隻股份創上市新低,包括中國三迪(0910)低見0.018元,收報0.019元,無升跌;高視醫療(2407)低見5.85元,收報5.98元,跌0.17%;啓明醫療-B(2500)低見1.7元,收報2.17元,跌61.39%;亨得利(3389)低見0.093元,收報0.093元,跌3.13%;瀚華金控(3903)低見0.141元,收報0.173元,升5.49%;艾美疫苗(6660)低見3.63元,收報3.64元,跌6.19%;星空華文(6698)低見2.02元,收報2.05元,跌6.39%;中國來騎哦(8039)低見0.094元,收報0.095元,跌11.21%;找鋼集團(6676)低見6.4元,收報7.35元,跌0.14%。 24隻股份創52周低,其中十隻包括,莎莎國際(0178)低見0.62元,收報0.63元,跌1.56%;長盈集團(控股)(0689)低見0.017元,收報0.018元,無升跌;恒大汽車(0708)低見0.179元,收報0.18元,跌2.17%;雅天妮集團(0789)低見0.305元,收報0.305元,跌3.17%;民生國際(0938)低見0.46元,收報0.5元,跌24.24%;香港科技探索(1137)低見1.21元,收報1.21元,跌1.63%;中國創新投資(1217)低見0.01元,收報0.01元,無升跌;易大宗(1733)低見0.98元,收報0.98元,跌2%;新特能源(1799)低見6.02元,收報6.02元,跌4.29%;中國春來(1969)低見4.04元,收報4.08元,升0.25%。 異動股 上升異動股,包括,龍皇集團(8493)收報0.07元,升75%;十方控股(1831)收報0.135元,升46.74%;德信服務(2215)收報1.02元,升27.5%;越疆科技(2432)創上市新高,見68.85元,收報63.15元,升22.15%;華寶國際(0336)收報3.1元,升21.57%;中國三三傳媒(8087)收報0.6元,升21.21%;WMCH GLOBAL(8208)收報0.036元,升20%;維亮控股(8612)創52周高,見0.42元,收報0.28元,升19.15%;順風清潔能源(1165)收報0.019元,升18.75%;新利軟件(8076)收報0.027元,升17.39%。 下跌異動股,包括,啓明醫療-B(2500)創上市新低,見1.7元,收報2.17元,跌61.39%;民生國際(0938)見52周低0.46元,收報0.5元,跌24.24%;祈福生活服務(3686)收報0.5元,跌21.88%;鷹普精密(1286)收報3.16元,跌21.59%;創勝集團-B(6628)收報1.38元,跌17.86%;海納星空科技(8297)收報0.049元,跌15.52%;太平洋酒吧(8432)收報0.032元,跌13.51%;天元醫療(0557)收報0.46元,跌13.21%;大禹金融(1073)收報0.095元,跌12.84%。 其他報道

See How Today’s Rates Compare

As rates go down, more people should be able to buy a home or refinance their current mortgage. See how home interest rates are trending today and where they might go in the future. Today’s mortgage rates Uncertainty in the economy has caused mortgage rates to go down recently. But because of this uncertainty, it’s

恒指跌137點 5日累跌907點 見兩個月最長連跌 北水、大市成交1個月低 淨流入減79% (16:31) – 20250313 – 即時財經新聞

恒指今早高開16點,高位升112點,低位跌401點,高低波幅514點。上升股份比例為26.2%,下跌為39.63%,無升跌為34.16%。 恒指收市跌137點或0.58%,報23462點,大市成交金額2338億元,較上日減少16.04%,是2月11日2196.12億元成交後最少;國指跌41點或0.48%,報8640點。恒生科技指數收報5747點,跌1.67%。 藍籌股成交金額1079.09億元,佔大市成交46.15%;科指成份股成交金額760.03億元,佔大市成交32.5%;國指成份股成交金額979.33億元,佔大市成交41.88%。 24隻雙櫃台股,總成交0.8億元人民幣,相當於約0.86億港元,佔大市成交的0.04%。 窩輪及牛熊證成交金額增加15.55%,至177.13億元,佔大市成交7.57%。牛熊證成交金額86.16億元,增加46.6%;窩輪成交金額90.97億元,減少3.75%。 藍籌23隻升,58隻下跌,2隻無升跌。神華(1088) 升1.93%,收報31.75元,是升幅最大的藍籌,中芯國際(0981)跌4.96%,收報49.85元,是跌幅最大的藍籌。 恒生科技指數成份股4隻升,26隻下跌。升幅最大的是小米(1810)收報52.85元,升1.54%;跌幅最大的是同程旅行(0780)收報18.42元,跌8.13%。 恒指跌穿10天線(23571.32點),曾跌穿20天線(23340.38點)。科指跌穿10天線(5794.96點)、20天線(5748.44點)。 北水南下合計淨流入54.66億元,較上日減少79.15%,淨流入金額是3月12日262.11億元後最多,3月11日為淨流40億。連續第2日流入,累計流入316.78億元,對上一次連續2日淨流入是3月6日。北水本月累計流入928.17億元,按月減少39.25%,連續第21個月流入。北水交易成交額(包括買入及賣出交易)1046.81億元,較上日減18.04%,是2月6日後新低,當日報881.32億。北水交易成交額佔香港市場成交額由上日的22.93%減至22.38%。 三大指數表現 恒指曾跌最多1.7%,是3月12日後最大跌幅,當日跌幅為1.76%。低見23198.73點,是3月5日23090.63點後最低。收市報23462.65點,是3月4日後收市新低,當日報22941.77點。連跌5日,累計跌907.06點,對上一次連跌5日是1月10日。連續第2日陰燭,對上一次連續第2日陰燭是2月28日。 科指曾跌最多3.43%,是3月12日後最大跌幅,當日跌幅為3.54%。低見5644.68點,是3月5日5565.54點後最低。收市報5747.77點,是3月4日後收市新低,當日報5535.64點。連跌2日,累計跌219.46點,對上一次連跌2日是3月10日。連續第2日陰燭,對上一次連續第2日陰燭是2月28日。 國指曾跌最多1.74%,是3月12日後最大跌幅,當日跌幅為1.88%。低見8530.79點,是3月5日8429.22點後最低。收市報8640.61點,是3月5日後收市新低,當日報8630.4點。連跌2日,累計跌114.76點,對上一次連跌2日是3月10日。連續第2日陰燭,對上一次連續第2日陰燭是2月28日。 午後消息股表現 國泰(0293)遭摩通、匯豐下調評級及目標價 見3年最大跌幅。收報10.3元,跌5.5%。 百威亞太(1876)據報裁員數千 擬削成本約15%。收報8.64元,跌0.35%。 太古去年少賺85% 不派特別息。太古A(0019)收報69.05元,跌5.67%。 太古B(0087)收報10.64元,跌6.5%。 九倉(0004)全年轉蝕32億元 派息0.2元 基礎盈利28億遜預期。收報19.4元,跌4.67%。 新鴻基公司(0086)發盈喜 料轉虧為盈 賺最多4億。收報2.87元,升1.77%。 太古地產(1972)盈轉虧蝕7.7億元 第二次中期息76仙。收報16.32元,升1.12%。 今早及隔晚消息股表現 傳內地監管機構促四大行維持對新世界(0017)現有信貸額度。Ares據報擬折扣價從銀行收購部分新世界債券。收報5.24元,升1.16%。 據報港交所(0388)正討論降每手股數 降入場門檻。收報344.2元,跌1.49%。 據報匯控(0005)為部分投資銀行家安排短期留用協議。收報85.65元,升0.71%。 獅騰控股(2562)推Geene TurboGT 少於1秒實現AI生成回應。收報28.1元,升12.18%。 金川國際(2362)折讓13%配股 籌3.8億。收報0.64元,跌12.33%。 新秀麗(1910)全年少賺13% 派息0.1074美元 料全球旅遊業及觀光業穩步增長。收報19.7元,升1.03%。 多間公司最快今日公布業績,績前表現如下,東方海外(0316)收報112.8元,跌2.08%。 白雲山(0874)收報18.38元,跌1.18%。 中銀航空租賃(2588)收報61.85元,升0.32%。 俄鋁(0486)收報5.13元,升1.38%。 順豐房託(2191)收報3.2元,跌0.62%。 廖創興企業(0194)收報3.87元,無升跌。 惠理集團(0806)收報1.72元,無升跌。 越秀交通基建(1052)收報3.74元,跌1.32%。 粵運交通(3399)收報1.77元,升2.31%。 江銅(0358)斥1807萬美元增持索爾黃金,持股升至逾12%成最大股東。收報13.46元,升0.3%。 百度(9888):完成發行20億美元零息可交換債券。收報89.45元,跌0.67%。 國泰(0293):客運力未來一年有增長空間,目標年底航點突破100個。香港快運盈轉虧,林紹波:基本營運數據理想,長遠仍看好。國泰調整有擔保可轉換債券轉換價,未償還本金總額21.64億元。收報10.3元,跌5.5%。

‘Many years since I saw Elon almost crying …’: Elon Musk seems to be almost ‘choking’ in interview talking about Tesla struggles and …

Tesla CEO Elon Musk looked visibly uneasy and emotional during a recent interview on Fox Business when asked about the struggles of his companies. During the interview with Larry Kudlow, Musk admitted he was managing multiple businesses “with great difficulty” as Tesla’s stock suffered its worst drop in over three years and his social media

國泰遭摩通、匯豐下調評級及目標價 見3年最大跌幅 (15:21) – 20250313 – 即時財經新聞

摩通指,國泰2024年度業績強勁,管理層認為前景既有挑戰,亦有機會。國泰股價由去年11月起累升35%,跑贏同業及恒指,已接近該行早前的目標價(12.3元)。認為股價偏高,已相當於1.2倍市帳率,應對風險回報作出平衡,因而將目標價及評級下調,但認為6厘的股息率在全球同業中較高,相信可為股價提供支持。 摩通指,雖然乘客收益率降、可用座位千米數增,但乘客運載率維持健康的83.2%,國泰預期區域客運率將趨於穩定,而長途航線將持續調整。貨運方面,電商佔國泰貨運近半,仍將是增長動力,而香港是中美航空貨運的重要樞紐。因貨運佔國泰收入26%,美國擬取消「小額豁免」(de minimis)將對國泰收益產生低單位數影響,直接的財務影響有限。但鑑於當前的貿易動態和監管變化,國泰航空作為主要航空貨運中轉樞紐的地位可能會受到更負面影響。 摩通指,國泰2024年接收12隻新飛機,但2025年則只有4隻 A321neo,但同時有4隻退役,首隻波音 777-9更要2026年才接收,相信在供應受限下,國泰的收益率仍會有支持。 匯豐指,國泰第二季表現好過預期,主要受惠於高收入、低燃料成本及稅款。乘客收益率下降,逐步回復正常水平。對於貨運,國泰航空稱監管變化不確定,但到目前為止,第一季尚未看到任何結構性影響。 匯豐認為,對中國「小額豁免」包裹的更嚴格規和美國對中國進口產品徵收的額外關稅,可能會對國泰航空今年剩餘時間的貨運量增長造成壓力,儘管可能會因關稅、禁令前看到貨運量短期內出現上升。此外,香港機場第三條跑道投入使用,可能會吸引其他航空公司增加在該機場的航班時刻,對國泰航空構成競爭威脅。 匯豐指,由於客運量和貨運量下降,將2025-26年息稅前利潤預測(EBIT)下調2至4%,但收益率下降速度放緩的假設部分抵消這一影響。由於淨利息較高,將2025至26年的經常性利潤大幅下調5至11%。預計2025至26年息稅前利潤(EBIT)將持續下降,部分原因是聯營公司貢獻的增加。該行的2025至26年經常性利潤比普遍預期低7至12%。 國泰(0293)曾跌最多6.79%,是2022年3月7日後最大跌幅,當日跌幅為8.57%。低見10.16元,是2月28日10.1元後最低。現報10.34元,跌5.14%。連跌3日,累計跌0.82元,對上一次連跌3日是2024年12月18日。連續第2日陰燭,對上一次連續第2日陰燭是2月20日。成交金額增23.37%,至5.19億元,是2024年11月15日後最多,當日達9.86億元。 其他報道 滬深三大指數連跌兩個交易日 滬指跌0.39% 太古A、B一度跌逾7% 去年少賺85% 不派特別息 百威亞太據報裁員數千 擬削成本約15% 半日沽空金額減5% 南方恒生科技增4% 與盈富街貨齊減 太古去年少賺85% 太古A派息2.1元 太古B派息42仙 不派特別息 九倉全年轉蝕32億元 派息0.2元 基礎盈利28億遜預期 新鴻基公司發盈喜 料轉虧為盈 賺最多4億 太古地產盈轉虧蝕7.7億元 第二次中期息76仙 恒指半日跌173點 科指跌2.1%見一周低 失守10天、20天線 美國監管機構據報推進對微軟反壟斷調查 傳內地監管機構促四大行維持對新世界現有信貸額度 新世界曾升3.7% 港元拆息全線向下 總結餘上升 Shibor普遍向下 據報港交所正討論降每手股數 降入場門檻 瑞銀重新預期美元2025年偏軟 Source link

Nasdaq Correction: 3 Safe High-Yield Dividend Stocks to Buy Now

The Nasdaq Composite (NASDAQINDEX: ^IXIC) started this week tumbling 4% on Monday — the index’s worst day since September 2022 — and is still 12.5% off its all-time highs after today’s trading session. When the major indexes are making new all-time highs, it’s easy to overlook the benefits of dividend stocks. But when the market

Inflation: don’t cheer yet

This article is an on-site version of our Unhedged newsletter. Premium subscribers can sign up here to get the newsletter delivered every weekday. Standard subscribers can upgrade to Premium here, or explore all FT newsletters Good morning. The market did not crash on fears of stagflation yesterday, after a colder than anticipated consumer price index

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