AI-powered platform helps Hong Kong’s CLP detect electricity supply threats

Hong Kong’s largest electricity provider has rolled out an artificial intelligence-assisted platform to strengthen its ability to detect and respond to threats to the power supply, while planning to expand its surveillance network from 1,000 to 1,700 cameras over the next several years.

CLP Power said on Tuesday that it had deployed a new Grid-V system, which integrates about 3,000 sensor points and cameras, in September last year to monitor infrastructure round the clock, including transmission lines, substations and high-voltage switchgear.

“When there is a wildfire, it produces smoke, which may contain substances that pollute the insulators, affecting the condition of overhead lines,” said Tony Kwok Tsz-tun, the firm’s associate director for smart grid and innovation.

“So if the situation is very severe, it may affect the insulation between the conductors and towers. This is the worst-case scenario and can lead to voltage dips or even power outages.”

CLP Power’s engineers monitored the development of the Kai Kung Leng hill fire in real-time. Photo: Handout
CLP Power’s engineers monitored the development of the Kai Kung Leng hill fire in real-time. Photo: Handout

The AI-powered system proved its worth within months of implementation when a serious hill fire broke out at Kai Kung Leng in Yuen Long in January. Grid-V enabled real-time monitoring of conditions, allowing engineers to quickly mobilise power supply points to protect nearby lines without waiting for on-site inspections.

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