JAKARTA – Maintaining the health of the intestines and liver can actually start from what we eat every day. Easy things you can do by diligently consuming lemons and nuts.
Dr. Joseph Salhab, a gastroenterolog from Florida, United States, revealed a healthy diet, including lemon consumption and nuts that provide great benefits to the health of the body, especially the intestines and liver.
Dr. Joseph Salhab shared his daily diet consisting of fruits, fish, coffee, and nuts. He admitted to staying away from fast foods that contain a lot of oil.
“I’m trying to avoid oily and fried fast food,” said Salhab, quoted by VOI from the NY Post page on Monday, December 16, 2024.
“I’m not perfect, sometimes I also enjoy unhealthy foods, but I realized that when I cook myself, I tend not to overeat and feel healthier,” he said.
Salhab often starts the day by drinking lemon water, lemon tea, or fresh fruit. “People who consume more vitamin C tend to have a lower risk of developing bile, better liver health, and healthy gut bacteria,” he explained.
Vitamin C is known to increase the number of bacteria both in the intestines and strengthen the immune system. In addition to lemons, vitamin C is also found in oranges, grapefruits, kiwis, melons, strawberries, peppers, tomatoes, Brusselsn cabbage, and broccoli.
Salhab also consumes two servings of tree beans (tree nuts) every week. “We know that people who consume more tree beans tend to have a lower risk of developing colon cancer and fatty liver disease,” he said.
Treecangs include almonds, Brazilian beans, metes, hazelnuts, macadamia, petans, pines, pistachios, and walnuts. However, he is reminded not to consume too much Brazilian beans, because high selenium content can cause selenium toxicity.
Some nuts, such as walnuts,ELnuts, and butternuts, are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are important for the health of the heart, brain, and eye. The study shows that these healthy fats have a positive effect on fat metabolism in the liver.
In addition, Salhab also regularly drinks coffee to protect himself from bile and fatty liver disease. A scientific review in 2022 found that coffee stimulates the release of the hormone cholesterol, which plays an important role in the digestive process.
According to an article from the University of Chicago Extensive Heart Disease Clinic, nutritionist Annie Guinane recommends consumption of up to three cups of coffee per day to maintain liver health.
Not only that, Salhab also ensures to eat fish at least three times a week. In addition, he maintains fitness by cycling at night or walking between 5,000 and 10,000 steps per day.
“I feel this helps my digestion. People who exercise regularly have a lower risk of developing liver disease, bile, bad intestinal bacteria, and bowel movements,” he said.
Nutritionist Emily Feivor of Long Island Jewish Forest Hills Hospital noted that Salhab’s diet is rich in fiber, which is shown to improve digestive health, reduce total cholesterol levels and LDL, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
“Only about 5% Americans meet daily recommendations of 28 grams of fiber from the FDA,” Feivor said.
“Serat plays an important role in improving organ functions such as the brain and liver, which ultimately makes the body healthier.” he continued.
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