Florida digs out and recovers after Hurricane Milton

A destroyed home in St. Pete Beach, Fla., in the aftermath of Hurricane Milton.
St. Pete Beach. (Giorgio Viera/AFP via Getty Images)

Less than two weeks after Hurricane Helene wreaked havoc on Florida, Hurricane Milton arrived. The hurricane — which developed unusually rapidly according to climate scientists — brought destruction to Florida’s vulnerable Gulf Coast, leaving at least 10 dead and more than 2 million people without power.

Hurricane Milton’s approach led to a mass evacuation event, which authorities credited with saving lives. Not everyone was able to get out of the storm’s way, though, leading to some inspiring rescue stories from first responders.

Dozens of tornadoes in St. Lucie County took down power lines and ripped up roofs, while storm surges across the state flooded streets, prompting warnings about alligators and stingrays potentially lurking in the waters. Beachfront properties, such as those in Clearwater, suffered immense damage, losing significant stretches of shoreline, while heavy rainfall inundated streets in cities including Tampa and Sarasota.

In addition to the flooding, Milton’s winds uprooted trees, crushing homes and leading to structural collapses. Photos and videos showed debris-strewn streets, sand-filled swimming pools and remnants of what were once family homes.

The recovery efforts now shift to cleaning up and rebuilding, an uphill battle as Florida is still in the midst of hurricane season. Right now, families are salvaging what they can from the wreckage — including personal items like wedding albums — while volunteers and local agencies step up to offer support and resources. For Floridians unable to access their homes and businesses, the storm is continuing to take a financial and emotional toll.

Below are photos from the aftermath of Hurricane Milton.

Residents look at burned-out buildings at the Beachaven Villas in Sarasota.Residents look at burned-out buildings at the Beachaven Villas in Sarasota.
Residents look at burned-out buildings at the Beachaven Villas in Sarasota. (Eva Marie Uzcategui for Washington Post via Getty Images)
Neighbors distribute food to others in St. Petersburg.Neighbors distribute food to others in St. Petersburg.
Neighbors distribute food in St. Petersburg. (Giorgio Viera/AFP via Getty Images)
A swimming pool's handrails are nearly buried after the pool was filled with beach sand in the Siesta Key area.A swimming pool's handrails are nearly buried after the pool was filled with beach sand in the Siesta Key area.
A swimming pool’s handrails are nearly buried after the pool was filled with beach sand in the Siesta Key area. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
A crushed mobile home after a tornado hit in Port St Lucie. A crushed mobile home after a tornado hit in Port St Lucie.
A crushed mobile home after a tornado hit in Port St. Lucie. (Miguel J. Rodriguez Carrillo/AFP via Getty Images)
A destroyed home in St. Pete Beach.A destroyed home in St. Pete Beach.
A destroyed home in St. Pete Beach. (Giorgio Viera/AFP via Getty Images)
A small airplane flipped upside down at the Venice Municipal Airport.A small airplane flipped upside down at the Venice Municipal Airport.
An airplane flipped upside down at the Venice Municipal Airport. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Debris fills the courtyard of the Thunderbird Beach Resort in Treasure Island.Debris fills the courtyard of the Thunderbird Beach Resort in Treasure Island.
Debris fills the courtyard of the Thunderbird Beach Resort in Treasure Island. (Giorgio Viera/AFP via Getty Images)
A woman shouts and gestures at the apartment complex manager after authorities refused to let residents access their homes after flooding in Clearwater.A woman shouts and gestures at the apartment complex manager after authorities refused to let residents access their homes after flooding in Clearwater.
A woman shouts and gestures at the apartment complex manager after authorities refused to let residents access their homes after flooding in Clearwater. (Julio Cortez/AP)
A man finds a water-damaged album of wedding photos in the debris swept into his yard in Englewood. A man finds a water-damaged album of wedding photos in the debris swept into his yard in Englewood.
A man finds a water-damaged album of wedding photos in the debris swept into his yard in Englewood. (Rebecca Blackwell/AP)
A drone view shows destroyed beach houses after Manasota Key.A drone view shows destroyed beach houses after Manasota Key.
A drone view shows destroyed beach houses in Manasota Key. (Ricardo Arduengo/Reuters)
Beachgoers sit in front of a destroyed lifeguard building on the beach in Venice, Fla.Beachgoers sit in front of a destroyed lifeguard building on the beach in Venice, Fla.
Beachgoers sit in front of a destroyed lifeguard building on the beach in Venice, Fla. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
A toppled lifeguard station at Clearwater Beach, Fla. A toppled lifeguard station at Clearwater Beach, Fla.
A toppled lifeguard station at Clearwater Beach. (Haven Daley/AP)

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