International Yoga Day: NE CMs perform yoga, encourages all to do yoga for a healthy lifestyle

First Published: 21st June, 2024 11:06 IST

India and the world is celebrating 10th International Yoga Day today with the theme “Yoga for Self and Society.”

Along with the rest of the country, Chief Ministers of Northeastern states also performed yoga as the world celebrated 10th International Day of Yoga today.

Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma led the celebrations at Tezpur and encouraged everyone to make yoga part of their lives and farther wellness.

Taking to X CM Sarma wrote, “Participated in the State celebrations of the 10th International Day of Yoga at Tezpur. #YogaDay is a celebration of Bharat’s unique gift to the world to remain fit and healthy.”

Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu also performed yoga and said that one can attract many good qualities by regularly practising yoga.

“By regularly practising Yoga, a person can imbibe some very good qualities like courage which protects like a father, forgiveness as possessed by a mother and mental peace which becomes a permanent friend. Through regular practice of Yoga truth becomes our child, mercy our sister, self-control our brother, the earth becomes our bed and knowledge satiates our hunger,” CM Khandu posted on X.

Sikkim Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang also performed yoga on the occasion and urged everyone to incorporate yoga into their daily routines. He termed yoga as a wonderful gift from India’s ancient traditions, encompassing a variety of techniques that keep one naturally fit and invigorated.

“On the occasion of the International Day of Yoga, I extend my warm greetings and best wishes to everyone.
Yoga is a priceless gift from India’s ancient traditions, easily practiced within our own homes. It encompasses various techniques that keep us naturally healthy and rejuvenated. It offers a simple method to connect body, mind, and spirit, fostering mental balance and alleviating stress. This year, we are celebrating the 10th edition of International Yoga Day with the theme “Yoga for self and society.”
Today, I express my heartfelt appreciation and congratulations to the Honorable Prime Minister of our nation, Shri Narendra Modi ji, for his initiative in gaining worldwide recognition for yoga, endorsed by the UN General Assembly in 2014. In addition, I am also thankful for the encouraging message received from the Hon’ble PM regarding the significance of yoga, naturopathy, and the benefits of producing and consuming millets in our daily lives, as well as promoting their widespread cultivation. On this special day, I encourage everyone to incorporate yoga into their daily routines to experience positive changes in their lives.” CM Tamang posted on Facebook.

Tripura Chief Minister Dr Manik Saha performed yoga in Agartala.

Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh wished everyone on the occasion and urged everyone to practice yoga and celebrate the spirit of yoga’s beneficial values.

“On this International Yoga Day, let’s celebrate the spirit of Yoga and its beneficial values. Originating in our ancient traditions, yoga is not merely a set of exercises but a profound journey towards self-discovery and holistic well-being. Let’s commit to a healthier life by practicing Yoga daily. Happy International Yoga Day!,” CM N Biren Singh posted on X.

India and the world is celebrating 10th International Yoga Day today with the theme “Yoga for Self and Society.”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi performed Yoga at Sher-i-Kashmir International Conference Centre (SKICC) in Srinagar and urged people of the country to make yoga a part of their daily lives.

Also Read: Toko Telyi, first Arunachali to be selected for Bhartendu Natya Academy of Arts


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