現年52歲的落選亞姐張文慈(Pinky)在2020年起已移居內地,曾於深圳、廣州及上海等地定居,近期更遷到杭州生活,間中都會返港探望家人。張文慈目前除了直播帶貨外,還會登台商演,近日她自爆一個經歷,直言有「好羞辱嘅感覺」! 相關閱讀:張文慈移居杭州曝光闊落閨房!被指欠設計冷清飄孤獨感 善用一位置有港味? 張文慈自爆登台曾被非禮: 張文慈早前接受好友漢陽在新城的節目訪問,張文慈目前除了直播帶貨和影視
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Dwayne Johnson has commented on his recent movie project with Martin Scorsese. It was announced in February 2025 that Johnson will star in a new movie directed by Scorsese. Leonardo DiCaprio and Emily Blunt are also set to star in the film. According to Deadline, Johnson and Blunt brought the idea for the movie to
Scarlett Johansson is one of the most famous actors on the planet, but when it comes to photos, Johansson has a strict rule about not doing snapping pictures with fans, even if it might offend some. Why doesn’t Scarlett Johansson take photos with fans? Speaking to InStyle as part of a new profile on the
Invincible Season 3 has finally concluded with Episode 8 and its post-credits scene teases an intriguing future for the superhero series. Accordingly, fans are wondering what happens in the after-credits scene, and are also curious about who appears in it. The third season of Invincible is jampacked with multiple new storylines. This includes Mark Grayson’s
陳豪和張曦雯今日(13日)出席TVB新劇《俠醫》造型記者會。 陳豪和張曦雯今日(13日)出席TVB新劇《俠醫》造型記者會,他們即將會在新劇合作,被問到過往二人的合作經驗,張曦雯接受訪問表示:「其實都唔係好多次,得《企業強人》同埋《破毒強人》。」陳豪則回應:「好似有好多,咁即係觀眾對我哋嘅印象深刻。」他們異口同聲表示:「雖然合作咗咁多次,但係冇好似做情侶嘅嘢。」被問到新劇中會否有「錫錫情節」,陳豪笑言:「有嘅,不過好似唔係我哋度。我哋分場嘅劇本都未出晒,所以變咗我哋要問一問監製,我就有個保留先。」 陳豪和張曦雯即將會在新劇合作。 陳豪回應被指內地開餐廳與食客聊天 提到陳豪日前現身內地某間餐廳門口與客人聊天,隨即被指開新餐廳,他立刻澄清:「其實唔係我開嘅,只不過嗰日就做咗啲抖音嘅拍片工作。」他繼續指當天與他聊天的對象只是工作人員。 陳豪刻澄沒有在內地開餐廳。 張曦雯專注拍劇唔諗結婚 講到張曦雯早前於萬千頒獎典禮透露有喜訊公布一事,她回應:「暫時都未有任何時間有任何喜訊。」陳豪則幽默回答:「我有咗啦!有咗劇拍啦!」談及會否考慮今年結婚,張曦雯坦言:「暫時唔會呀!我工作都排到年尾。」張曦雯和陳豪預告這幾個月會忙於拍攝新劇,而新劇即將會在今年九月或十月份正式播出! 立即更新/下載AM730手機APP 體驗升級功能 Source link
Actress, comedian, and singer Anna Faris has several successful movies and television series under her belt. One of the most accomplished comedic actors of her generation, she has appeared in projects like the Scary Movie franchise, My Super Ex-Girlfriend, and CBS sitcom Mom. Moreover, the actress is also a successful podcaster. Thus, there is considerable
The San Fransisco 49ers have kickstarted their offseason on a positive note, signing free agent Mac Jones on a two-year deal. The 49ers experienced one of their worst NFL campaigns last term, finishing at the bottom of the NFC West division with an underwhelming 6-11 record. As such, the five-time Super Bowl champions have decided
FX’s drama pilot Seven Sisters has been announced, with Elizabeth Olsen set to star. Sean Durkin will direct the pilot, with Will Arbery writing the script. The story follows a family as their hidden secrets begin to surface when one of the sisters starts talking to a voice that only she can hear. Further details
Joan Baez’s net worth in 2025 reflects her legacy as a folk singer, songwriter, and activist. From her influential role in the 1960s folk movement to her enduring impact on social justice, she has built a career that spans decades. Her music, book publications, and art exhibitions continue to keep her in the public eye.
Curious about Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik’s approach to co-parenting their daughter, Khai? The supermodel recently opened up about their custody arrangement and how they support each other as parents. Her rare comments shed light on their evolving dynamic since their 2021 split. Here’s what Hadid had to say about co-parenting with Malik and how
黃翠如連詩雅陳自瑤合體聚會 黃翠如、連詩雅及陳自瑤因拍攝《那些我愛過的人》結緣,在圈中有名的閨密團,如今三位都成為媽媽。日前連詩雅及陳自瑤就與踏入最後孕期的黃翠如聚會,三人終於再度合體,連詩雅亦表示:「2025年大家一直為自己嘅事情而忙碌,雖然好似少咗聚,但係一直緊貼住大家發生嘅事,這天咁啱一個電話,大家剛好可以相見,更珍惜見面嘅時間,對大家嘅愛同關懷,就是這樣單純🥰好期待見到你嘅小寶貝❤️❤️❤️」 相中翠如站在連詩雅及陳自瑤中間,兩人用手捧著翠如的肚,三人面上都流露幸福的笑容,而臨盆在即的翠如,面色容光煥發,巨肚亦已經擋不住,即使身穿極闊身裙,巨肚亦相當明顯。而Yoyo留言表示:「等了很久,終於合體」,翠如就表示:「去食多轉私房菜先啦不如🤤😍」 黃翠如發長文分享陀B點滴 黃翠如在社交平台分享去年在巴黎為TVB擔任奧運特派專員的花絮片,並留言表示在懷孕期間每次工作都有解釋不了的內疚感,「怕肚中的小人兒會很累,怕吃不夠,怕休息不夠,怕工作情緒影響肚子。」又指身邊有不少孕婦朋友都與她提到,從得知懷孕一刻因為怕胎兒小氣所以「唔敢講」唯有繼續工作。 「到肚子大了,因為生活,因為積極心態,因為熱愛工作等等,繼續做,很多都會把工作做到懷孕晚期最後一刻。」翠如指非常佩服每位職埸孕婦的強大,「拍拍大肚子,辛苦了,陪伴的日子,我知道,你也變得強大 #也辛苦了總是在家擔心的那個」。 來源:IG@黃翠如 Source link
Below is the final clue for Celebrity Jeopardy for March 12, 2025. Actor Sean Gunn was the victor in last week’s episode, and this week will be the last quarterfinals before the semifinals begins on March 19. Today’s celebrities are actor Omar J. Dorsey playing for the DeKalb School of the Arts Foundation, writer and
The recent release of Denise Richards and Her Wild Things has put the spotlight back on the Wild Things star, as she documents the daily struggles of her life as an actress and a mother in the reality show. With the recent appearance of Brooke Mueller on the series, fans are curious regarding her equation
Days of Our Lives is heading for some shocking twists and turns. In the upcoming episodes, viewers will see Johnny discovering an unexpected truth about EJ DiMera. Amidst all this, Days of Our Lives is about to witness the shocking exit of Billy Flynn’s Chad DiMera, with the actor set to join another popular show,
Ayo Edebiri took to social media this week to recall some online hate that she received after Elon Musk reacted to a false rumor about the star appearing in a Pirates of the Caribbean movie. What did Ayo Edebiri say about the Pirates of the Caribbean rumors? In a recent post to her Instagram Stories,
Peacock has announced the Poker Face Season 2 release date in a new trailer, revealing when the hit crime comedy series starring Natasha Lyonne will return. When is the Poker Face Season 2 release date? Poker Face Season 2 will return on May 8, 2025, with the launch of three episodes. After its premiere, Poker
江美儀哀悼前老爺夏春秋。 【今日睇咗未?】吳君如父親夏春秋離世 前新抱江美儀貼舊照哀悼|郭可盈甜蜜慶祝結婚21周年 林文龍左擁右抱妻女曬幸福(12/03/2025) Watch this video on YouTube 「六合彩之父」夏春秋(冬叔,原名吳錦泉)離世,享年93歲,女兒吳君如昨晚(12日)在社交網公告父親死訊後,圈中好友及網民都有留言悼念;冬叔前新抱江美儀,隨後亦在社交網貼上與冬叔昔日舊照發文哀悼,留言:「永遠懷念,你的笑臉,你的笑話,你的幽默,同你一齊慶祝生日。冬叔,願你離苦得樂,往生淨土!南無地藏王菩薩,南無地藏王菩薩,南無地藏王菩薩」。 江美儀與吳君祥。 江美儀與冬叔同是9月20日生日,她與冬叔的兒子吳君祥相戀多年,直至2018年突然宣布已在兩年前分手,其後更被冬叔踢爆他們是離婚,不是分手。江美儀最初不認瞞婚,隨着與男方2006年在西雅圖登記結婚紀錄曝光才不得否認及公開道歉。她多年後曾在訪談節目談及離婚原因︰「兩個人相處去到要離婚,未必係一件事發生咗,可能係一路積累,積累到覺得,我嘅人生係咪應該繼續落去。兩個人傾完之後覺得,可能分開會比較好,所以最後就分開,其實你哋知道嘅時候,已經係好後期。」 江美儀與夏春秋都是9月20日生日。 至於為何秘婚?江美儀說︰「因為我唔想講,因為我覺得做藝人呢,我已經要乜嘢都俾人知,我行出門口,乜嘢都反晒出嚟,咩都俾人講,我淨係想有一樣嘢,我係想保持住,我唔講㗎啫。我留番一樣嘢係屬於我哋兩個,係我哋兩個嘅,我唔想俾人知,咪就係咁。」 Source link
Cruel Intentions has been canceled by Prime Video after its Season 1 was released on November 21, 2024. The series is a TV adaptation of the popular 1999 movie of the same name. Prime Video’s Cruel Intentions features talents such as Zac Burgess, Sara Silva, Savannah Lee Smith, Sarah Catherine Hook, and many more. Prime
金秀賢金賽綸事件懶人包時間線全整理 金秀賢金賽綸爭議|事件懶人包 金賽綸於2025年2月16日去世,年僅24歲。據爆料,她自15歲起與27歲的金秀賢秘密交往六年。2019年加入金秀賢的經紀公司,2022年酒駕事件後,金秀賢承諾全權處理7億韓元賠償,但2024年卻要求還款。這被指是壓垮金賽綸的最後一根稻草。金秀賢的經紀公司否認相關指控,但親密照片的曝光使爭議持續發酵。 金秀賢金賽綸事件十年時間線整理:2015年至2025年 金秀賢金賽綸事件時間線|2015年:金秀賢與金賽綸開展秘密戀情 根據韓網《橫豎研究所》爆料,金秀賢與金賽綸的關係始於2015年11月19日。當時,金秀賢27歲,而金賽綸年僅15歲,兩人相差12歲。這段秘戀關係被指持續了六年,直到2021年7月7日結束。 金秀賢金賽綸事件時間線|2016年:親密合照曝光 2016年,金秀賢與金賽綸拍攝了多張親密合照,其中包括金秀賢與金賽綸臉貼臉、金秀賢親吻金賽綸的臉頰、金秀賢閉上雙眼向著金賽綸嘟嘴,親密程度可見一斑。金賽綸曾於,而多張親密合照在2025年先後被《橫豎研究所》爆料曝光。 金秀賢金賽綸事件時間線|2019年:金秀賢成立新公司 2019年,金秀賢與表哥成立了新的經紀公司Gold Medalist,隨後金賽綸也轉入了這家公司,成為金秀賢旗下藝人,並擔任新人視覺指導及相關業務上提供了大量支援,但未獲得任何報酬。 金秀賢金賽綸事件時間線|2021年:金秀賢與金賽綸戀情結束 據爆料指,金秀賢與金賽綸的戀情在2021年7月7日結束。 金秀賢金賽綸事件時間線|2022年:金賽綸發生酒駕事件 2022年5月18日,金賽綸在首爾江南區駕車發生酒駕肇逃事故,面臨高達7億韓元(約373萬港元)的賠償債務。經紀公司Gold Medalist曾承諾全權處理墊付這筆賠償,並聲稱「無需償還」但隨後卻要求她償還。酒駕事件後,金賽綸的星途全面玩完,同時並未獲公司續約。 金秀賢金賽綸事件時間線|2024年:金秀賢方面要求償還債務 2024年,金賽綸突然收到信函內容證明,指金秀賢透過公司要求金賽綸償還全額7億韓元的債務,有指導致金賽綸精神崩潰。 韓國媒體人創辦的YouTube頻道《橫豎研究所》之後再揭露了兩人的親密親臉合照,同時還曝光了女方疑似向男方求助的簡訊內容。根據曝光的簡訊截圖,金賽綸於2024年3月19日收到了將被起訴的通知發送訊息,無法立即償還韓幣7億。 金賽綸提到:「之前說會給我充裕的時間,我一直在努力準備復出,希望用作品慢慢償還」、「不是我不想,而是我無法做到。一定要訴諸法律嗎?請救我,拜託給我一點時間。」 金秀賢金賽綸事件時間線|2024年:金賽綸IG公開親密照 爆料指金賽綸曾多次嘗試聯繫金秀賢,但無論使用本人手機還是借用表姐的手機,都未能得到回應。後來,金賽綸表姐的手機接到了記者來電,被詢問是否金賽綸,因而被懷疑金秀賢一方洩露了聯絡方式。 之後,為了能成功聯繫金秀賢,金賽綸於《淚之女王》熱播期間,在IG上傳了一張與金秀賢臉貼臉的親密合照,試圖引發金秀賢的關注,令他主動聯繫。然而,金賽綸的舉動當時就被金秀賢方面發聲明指為「行為異常的人」,並同時否認了戀愛傳聞。 金秀賢金賽綸事件時間線|2025年2月16日:金賽綸去世 金賽綸於2025年2月16日在家中去世,享年24歲。這一天巧合地是金秀賢的生日。韓網《橫豎研究所》爆料更暗示金賽綸選擇在金秀賢生日當天輕生,是因情傷所致,影射金秀賢與金賽綸的死脫不了關係。而之後,金秀賢並未出席金賽綸的葬禮儀式。 金秀賢金賽綸事件時間線|2025年3月:爆料與爭議持續 3月初,韓國自媒體《橫豎研究所》爆料了金秀賢與金賽綸的秘戀關係,並公開了金賽綸未發出的長文內容,提及兩人的戀愛時間線。金秀賢的經紀公司隨即發表聲明,否認所有指控,並表示將採取法律行動,維護藝人權益。 金賽綸的家屬也出面控訴金秀賢,指他曾幫助金賽綸墊付債務,但後來卻要求還款,導致金賽綸承受巨大的精神壓力,亦成了她結束生命的悲劇導火線。同時,網路上輿論譁然,爆料內容持續,有指家屬反擊證據,手握有逾百張未曝光交往照片,事件仍未落幕。 Source link
Former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Brandi Glanville has given fans a new update regarding the deteriorating state of her face. Glanville has desperately been looking for solutions to deal with her facial disfigurement over the past year but has reportedly not found a permanent solution. In the meantime, her medical problems seem to
During a recent event at the White House, Donald Trump told reporters that he is not allowed to drive. His statement came as he announced his decision to purchase a Tesla in support of Elon Musk. This has left many wondering why the President cannot drive. In this article, we will delve into the details