3 Breakout Growth Stocks You Can Buy and Hold for the Next Decade

The year is drawing to a close, and what a year it has been for the stock market. As of this writing, the S&P 500, Nasdaq Composite, and Dow Jones Industrial Average are up 26%, 28%, and 19%, respectively.

That said, there are many growth stocks that have far outpaced the benchmark indexes and could be worth considering for the long term. Here are three investors should know about.

Image source: Getty Images.

1. Spotify Technology

First up is streaming giant Spotify (NYSE: SPOT).

The company, which operates the most popular music-streaming app in the world, continues to impress markets with its growth. In its most recent quarter (the three months ending on Sept. 30), Spotify reported 640 million monthly active users (MAUs), up 11% from 574 million MAUs one year ago.

In addition, the company’s number of paid subscribers jumped 12% to 252 million. Arguably, paid subscribers are an even more important figure to Spotify, as subscription fees account for 88% of the company’s total revenue.

At the same time as the company has ramped up its conversion of overall MAUs into paid subscribers, management has also cut costs. Accordingly, Spotify’s profitability has soared. The company reported operating income of 454 million euros, compared to only 32 million euros one year earlier.

In summary, Spotify is giving growth-oriented investors what they want to see. The company’s user base, revenue, and profits are all expanding, as Spotify continues to tap into new markets and grow its subscriber count. That’s a recipe for continued success, which is why investors should consider it as a long-term buy and hold stock.

2. Reddit

Next, there’s Reddit (NYSE: RDDT).

Reddit only debuted via an initial public offering (IPO) less than a year ago. Yet, as of this writing, the stock is up a remarkable 180%.

It’s all thanks to Reddit’s big three financial metrics:

  • Robust revenue growth
  • Strong user growth
  • Sky-high gross margin

Starting with revenue, Reddit has grown its quarterly revenue (for the three months ending on Sept. 30) to $348 million — an increase of 68% year over year. Similarly, the company’s daily active uniques (DAUqs) rose 47% to 97 million.

That’s rapid growth, and, best of all, the company is capitalizing on the growth by increasing its profitability. Gross profit margin increased to 90% in its most recent quarter — the best ever for the company, and more than 200 basis points higher than the same period one year ago.

Granted, Reddit remains a newcomer to the stock market, but its first year as a public company has been remarkable. Growth-seeking investors may want to consider this highflier as a long-term buy-and-hold candidate, given its solid growth and its potential for high profitability further down the road.

3. Nvidia

Last, there’s Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA).

Clearly, Nvidia has enjoyed a good run; it’s already the world’s second-largest company (as of this writing), with a market cap of $3.3 trillion.

That said, there are reasons to believe Nvidia’s stock can still go higher.

First, consider the company’s most recent earnings report (for the three months ending on Oct. 27). Nvidia reported truly amazing numbers; revenue surged 94% year over year to $35 billion. Bear in mind, that’s $35 billion in quarterly revenue — but it’s roughly equivalent to the annual revenue for iconic companies like Visa, Netflix, and Starbucks.

What’s more, Nvidia’s sales have surged to these incredible heights in just a couple of years. For example, in the same period two years ago, Nvidia reported revenue of less than $6 billion.

In other words, the demand-side growth for artificial intelligence (AI) chips has been staggering. Moreover, it’s not expected to end anytime soon. In addition to the fantastic results that Nvidia reported, company leadership also provided guidance that was above expectations. In short, management expects future sales of the company’s Blackwell AI chips to be even stronger than previously forecast.

To close, Nvidia’s prominent role in the AI ecosystem make it a compelling choice for investors who are seeking a buy-and-hold stock in the AI sector.

Should you invest $1,000 in Nvidia right now?

Before you buy stock in Nvidia, consider this:

The Motley Fool Stock Advisor analyst team just identified what they believe are the 10 best stocks for investors to buy now… and Nvidia wasn’t one of them. The 10 stocks that made the cut could produce monster returns in the coming years.

Consider when Nvidia made this list on April 15, 2005… if you invested $1,000 at the time of our recommendation, you’d have $859,528!*

Stock Advisor provides investors with an easy-to-follow blueprint for success, including guidance on building a portfolio, regular updates from analysts, and two new stock picks each month. The Stock Advisor service has more than quadrupled the return of S&P 500 since 2002*.

See the 10 stocks »

*Stock Advisor returns as of December 2, 2024

Jake Lerch has positions in Nvidia, Reddit, Spotify Technology, and Visa. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Netflix, Nvidia, Spotify Technology, Starbucks, and Visa. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.

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港元現報7.7886元貶值14點子,曾貶值最多29點子,報7.7901元,亦曾升值最多22點子,報7.785元,是1月24日7.7845元後最強。 港元拆息、港元存息(彭博纽约综合利率)可看附圖。彭博終端機於2024年6月1日起停止提供港元隔夜平均指數(HONIA)數據。 HIBOR 短線拆息方面,隔夜HIBOR升0.45點子至3.94929%,是1月28日後最高;1星期HIBOR升3.51點子至3.81185%,是1月28日後最高;2星期HIBOR升2.04點子至3.76708%,是1月28日後最高。 中長線拆息方面,3個月期HIBOR無升跌報3.79857%,是2月4日後最低;6個月期HIBOR跌0.14點子至3.88315%,是2022年9月26日後最低;12個月期HIBOR升1.71點子至3.94411%,是1月24日後最高。 貨幣基礎 貨幣基礎方面,上日總額減33.03億元,至總數19855.05億元,是1月23日後最低。當中的負債證明書(Certificates of Indebtedness)較上一日減36億元,至總數6235.45億元,是1月23日後最低。政府發行的流通紙幣及硬幣不變,與上日相同。收市總結餘為458.65億元,較再上一日增12.51億元,總結餘是1月23日後最高。未償還外匯基金票據及債券較上一日增2.97億元,至總數13039.59億元,創紀錄新高,其中,持牌銀行所持有數額較上一日減24.26億元,至總數12081.6億元,是1月28日後最低。上日金管局相隔4日後,再次通過貼現窗口向銀行投放12.51億港元流動性,是1月23日後最高,當日投放20億港元。 總結餘變動原因 貼現窗投放12.51億港元。 美匯美息 美元指數現報107.903貶值0.057點或0.05%。 美元1個月期 CME Term SOFR上日報4.30733%,將同一日的港元1個月期HIBOR減美元1個月期 CME Term SOFR的利差為-0.5768%,連續2日擴闊,利差是2024年11月07日後最闊,當日差距為-0.593%。 對上一次連續2日擴闊,是2025年1月29日,當日利差報-0.4824%。 其他報道 許正宇:會提前接觸未掌權和繼承財富家族中人 以建立關係 Google中國籍前工程師被控從事間諜活動 助中國AI發展 財新中國1月服務業PMI跌至51遜預期 見4個月低 就業見8個月低 人民幣中間價偏強1120點 在岸價復市見3個月最大貶值幅度 GUM:1月強積金人均賺4373元 美國郵政局:暫停接受來自中國和香港郵局入境國際包裹 積金評級料1月強積金投資收益208億元 人均賺4400元 香港1月PMI見4個月低 消費意願不足 企業對前景續看淡 蛇年滬深三大指數紅盤高開 滬指漲0.6% 恒指高開37點 科指跌0.03% 百度升2% 華虹半導體跌3% 長和無升跌 港股ADR升85點 夜期高水181點 美期跌亞股升 特朗普不急於與習近平通話 評中國報復措施「It’s Fine」 美債息回軟 道指升134點 金龍指數升幅收窄 巴拿馬據報擬取消長和旗下港口經營合同北水增持盈富

財新中國1月服務業PMI跌至51遜預期 見4個月低 就業見8個月低 (10:48) – 20250205 – 即時財經新聞

1月綜合產出指數亦由12月的51.4,跌至51.1,去年同月為52.5。1月數字同為2024年9月後新低,當月報50.3。 報告指,1月數字雖見4個月低,但仍維持擴張,新出口訂單指數重現擴張,市場樂觀預期回升但仍低於長期均值。人員主動離職疊加企業裁員節支情况持續,服務業用工連續兩個月收縮,1月就業指數降至2024年5月來最低。 報告內容: 2月5日公布的2025年1月財新中國通用服務業經營活動指數(服務業PMI)錄得51.0,低於上月1.2個百分點,為2024年10月來最低,但仍維持擴張。 先前公布的1月財新中國製造業PMI回落0.4個百分點至50.1,同樣為近四個月來最低。兩大產業景氣度走弱,拖累當月財新中國綜合PMI回落0.3個百分點至51.1。 國家統計局近期公布的數據顯示,1月製造業、服務業PMI分別下行1.0個、1.7個百分點至49.1、50.3,前者時隔三個月重回收縮區間;綜合PMI產出指數錄得50.1,低於上月2.1個百分點,僅輕微擴張。 從財新中國服務業PMI分項數據看,1月供給與需求擴張幅度收窄,當月新訂單指數雖然仍高於榮枯線,但邊際下降。在2024年12月短暫收縮後,新出口訂單指數重現擴張。受訪企業稱,外國對包括旅遊業在內的中國服務業興趣增長,帶動新出口業務量的上升。 人員主動離職疊加企業裁員節支情况持續,服務業用工連續兩個月收縮,1月就業指數降至2024年5月來最低。由於新訂單增長放緩、企業效率提高,當月積壓工作量指數跌至臨界點以下。 原料價格與用工成本增加,帶動1月投入品價格持續上漲,但漲幅有限;銷售價格指數在擴張區間微降。 服務業企業家樂觀預期加強,1月經營預期指數穩中有升,但仍低於長期平均值。樣本企業稱,新業務品類推出,業務拓展力道加大,疊加政策扶持,有助於提振未來一年的銷售。但國際競爭加劇,國際貿易前景仍不明朗,也使部分企業感到憂慮。 財新智庫高級經濟學家王喆表示,1月製造業及服務業供需均有改善,但就業均顯著下降,價格水準整體較為低迷,尤其是製造業出廠價格,市場樂觀預期回升但仍低於長期均值。2024年9月起陸續推出的一系列漸進政策落實,助推2024年全年經濟增長目標任務順利完成。在新的一年裡,大規模設備更新和消費品以舊換新等刺激政策效果或邊際放緩;海外政策不確定性增加背景下出口環境或惡化,將是中國經濟要面臨的巨大挑戰,宏觀經濟政策對此應做好充分準備,並根據客觀情勢變化及時調整。當前,國內有效需求不足,居民消費能力意願有待提升,增加居民可支配所得應為政策重點。此外,2024年新出生人口數仍位於低位,相關補助獎勵措施亦應盡快回應。 其他報道 人民幣中間價偏強1120點 在岸價復市見3個月最大貶值幅度 GUM:1月強積金人均賺4373元 美國郵政局:暫停接受來自中國和香港郵局入境國際包裹 積金評級料1月強積金投資收益208億元 人均賺4400元 香港1月PMI見4個月低 消費意願不足 企業對前景續看淡 蛇年滬深三大指數紅盤高開 滬指漲0.6% 恒指高開37點 科指跌0.03% 百度升2% 華虹半導體跌3% 長和無升跌 港股ADR升85點 夜期高水181點 美期跌亞股升 特朗普不急於與習近平通話 評中國報復措施「It’s Fine」 美債息回軟 道指升134點 金龍指數升幅收窄 巴拿馬據報擬取消長和旗下港口經營合同 北水增持盈富 減持美圖 Source link

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