Hong Kong police arrest 114 over scamming 163 people out of HK$73 million

Fraudsters used the names and contact numbers of real employees to make the offers look more credible, he said.

In one situation, scammers impersonated a shop employee and cold-called another chain store to trick staff into revealing the name of their manager.

“Swindlers invented different excuses to coax jobseekers into paying up to tens of thousands of dollars as an administrative fee or surety,” Ng said.

Police began investigating the syndicate after alleged victims alerted the force between March and May.

Inspector Mok Ka-ho of the Wong Tai Sin district crime squad reminded jobseekers to be wary if they were asked to make payments in order to secure a job.

In May, 348 residents fell prey to fake online job offers, the highest number of such cases in a single month and a 60 per cent increase compared with the 217 cases logged in April.

Police said those arrested in the 18-day operation, code-named “Breakmark”, were linked to 73 reports of online scams and telephone deception crimes, in which 163 residents were cheated out of HK$73.5 million.

Inspector Ng said the victims, aged from 15 to 78, lost between HK$1,000 and HK$20 million each.

“Among the victims are students, engineers and other professionals,” Ng said.

He added that a telephone deception case had resulted in losses of HK$20.7 million after swindlers posed as mainland Chinese officials to scam 18 victims, including retirees.

Scammers usually pose as mainland security officers and accuse victims of breaking the law in such cases. They then ask for money as surety, or make other excuses to get their targets to hand over cash or surrender bank details.

The suspects – 82 men and 32 women – were detained on suspicion of fraud, obtaining property by deception and money laundering.

A retiree suffered the largest single financial loss at HK$20 million after falling victim to a phone scam where swindlers posed as officials. Photo: Shutterstock

Ng said the suspects included holders of stooge accounts that were used to collect money from the victims and launder crime proceeds.

The force reminded the public not to lend or sell their bank accounts to others for transactions of funds from unknown sources as they could face money-laundering charges. The offence is punishable by up to 14 years in jail and a HK$5 million fine.

Police said further arrests were not ruled out as the investigation was still ongoing.

The city recorded a 42.6 per cent increase in all types of deception cases last year with 39,824 reports filed, up from 27,923 in 2022.

Financial losses from deception cases rose by 89 per cent to HK$9.1 billion in 2023, up from HK$4.8 billion the previous year.

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