Consumer Confidence: Lowest Since 2021 Big Risk to Stock Market Outlook

Americans aren’t feeling great about the economy, and it’s translating to a weaker outlook for spending.

That isn’t good news for the stock market, and Wall Street is eyeing the risk of weaker corporate earnings as consumers pull back.

Consumer Confidence clocked in at 92.9 in March, its lowest level since 2021, according to the Conference Board’s latest survey.

Chart showing Consumer Confidence Index from 2007 to 2025

Consumer confidence dropped to its lowest level since 2021.

The Conference Board/NBER

The Conference Board’s Expectations Index, which reflects how consumers feel about their income, business conditions, and the job market, also fell to a reading of 65.2. It’s the most pessimistic consumers have been about the economy in 12 years, and well below the key threshold of 80, which has historically been associated with a recession, the Conference Board said.

Consumers feeling dour about the economy is a real risk to the market — particularly if Americans start to pull back on spending, Wall Street forecasters say.

UBS Global Research said weaker consumer spending was one factor that played into its bear case for the stock market. In a note last week, strategists said they saw the S&P 500 extending its correction to 5,300. After stocks saw a slight rebound on Monday, that implies the benchmark index could drop 8% from current levels.

Meanwhile, 12-month forward earnings growth expectations in the US could drop as low as 6%, the firm estimated, down from 12% currently.

“Our main contention over the past 6m has been that the US economy will look less exceptional as consumer spending cools and policy uncertainty prevents producers’ animal spirits from translating into actual capex,” strategists wrote.

The impact of slower spending expectations is already starting to have an impact on the market. Earlier this month, shares of airlines and retailers, like Kohl’s, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and Delta Airlines, tumbled on growing fears of a consumer slowdown.

Consumer discretionary stocks in the S&P 500 are down 9% from the start of the year, compared to the overall benchmark index, which is down by about 2% year-to-date.

“The S&P 500 basket of stocks for consumer discretionary companies has declined significantly in recent weeks, suggesting that investors are starting to worry about future consumer spending on big-ticket items such as cars, washing machines, and mobile phones,” Torsten Sløk, chief economist at Apollo Global Management, wrote last week.

Companies have also signaled that the outlook isn’t getting any better. Economist David Rosenberg wrote in a note last week that 70% of companies that reported earnings for the first quarter had a negative outlook due to uncertainty surrounding trade policy and tariffs.

“US equity futures are flashing red as corporate guidances continues to deteriorate,” Rosenberg wrote.

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證監會就IPO及上市後事宜多項優化建議展開諮詢 (20:34) – 20250328 – 即時財經新聞

證監會指,在提出有關建議優化措施前,就《證券市場上市規則》進行了一次檢視,旨在審視現行規則是否給予證監會足夠且具針對性的工具,藉以確保和鼓勵上市發行人及上市申請人作出透明度更高且更準確的披露,並處理失當行為。 具體而言,《證券市場上市規則》的主要建議優化措施分為四個範疇:就首次公開招股個案而言,證監會將能夠在不反對上市的情況下,要求上市申請人在上市後須遵守持續披露責任,方法是在《證券市場上市規則》新增明文規定,以釐清有關上市條件可在上市後持續有效。因此,在這種量身訂製且以披露為本的方針下,部分上市申請可能獲准更快地繼續進行,透明度亦會提高。 其次,就上市後事宜而言,證監會建議提供一個干擾程度低於暫停交易的替代方案。除了在有需要的情況下暫停證券交易的現有權力外,證監會將能在適當情況下對上市發行人施加上市後條件,要求作出更清晰明確及完整的披露,以確保投資者作出有根據的決定。 此外,就暫停交易而言,證監會建議簡化程序,以及在沒有爭議的個案中轉授其董事局的決定權給高級行政人員,從而更有效率地處理恢復交易申請,縮短暫停交易時間;及第四不滿證監會的決定的發行人有權尋求證券及期貨事務上訴審裁處對有關決定進行全盤覆核。這將為他們提供有效及獨立的保障,確保證監會所作出的監管決定合理、相稱和公平。     證監會企業融資部執行董事戴霖(Michael Duignan)表示,香港作為受本地及海外企業歡迎的上市地,相信上述全面的優化措施將提升香港上市市場的監管及運作效率,為投資者及上市發行人帶來裨益。同時,加強對公眾的問責性和簡化監管流程,凸顯了證監會鞏固香港國際金融中心地位的堅定承諾。 其他報道 工行料今年淨息差下行   建行劉方根:手績費及佣金收入跌幅與同業一致 中免去年盈利倒退16%至564.7億人幣 末期息1.05元 中壽前總裁楊超涉嫌違紀違法遭中紀委調查 周大福人壽推新保單暫托增值服務 中國國家市場監督管理總局據報依法審查長和港口交易 農行:今年淨息差續受壓 存款成本有下降空間 長和據報研究或分拆環球電訊資產倫敦上市 永旺:在本港發展小型專門店爲主 1年内難以扭虧 去年港元債券發行額逾1萬億元增9% 特區政府發行額減14% 長和暫緩賣港口下周不會簽約 消息:原因大家明啦 華為與啟德體育園簽署合作協議 提供全場景智慧管理體系 世茂集團去年虧損擴至359億人幣 債務重組蝕121億人幣 華懋九大商場連同中環街市推春日大抽獎 消費滿200元即可參加 合生創展去年純利跌96% 物業減值撥備21億元 Silchester減持TVB至10%以下 永旺去年虧損擴大至3.38億 香港業務蝕2.88億 華潤燃氣去年純利跌22% 派末期息70仙減三成 積金局今日展開全自由行公眾諮詢 現有和新聘僱員或分階段進行 順豐去年純利升逾兩成 派末期息0.44元人幣 嘉里物流去年純利按年大增95%  末期息增15%至0.15元 徐冰增持商湯 Capital Group 減持藥明康德至5%以下 Capital Group 增持渣打 Source link

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CoreWeave Inc. signage during the company’s initial public offering at the Nasdaq MarketSite in New York, US, on Friday, March 28, 2025.  Michael Nagle | Bloomberg | Getty Images It wasn’t supposed to go down like this. The Trump presidency was set to usher in a rush of money to the markets, spurred by a

CoreWeave stock seesaws, ends flat after IPO in AI trade test

The AI cloud computing provider CoreWeave made its debut on the Nasdaq Friday under the ticker CRWV. The stock opened around $40 per share at 1:15 p.m. ET, fell as much as 6%, turned green and rose by as much as 4%, and eventually ended the session flat. The company, which provides computing power using

CoreWeave stock seesaws after IPO in first big test of AI trade

The AI cloud computing provider CoreWeave made its debut on the Nasdaq Friday under the ticker CRWV. The stock fell as much as 6% after shares before reversing direction and gaining over 1%. The company, which provides computing power using its mass supply of Nvidia (NVDA) GPUs to Big Tech, raised $1.5 billion in its

Trump Is Sending Mixed Signals to Oil Markets

Oil prices are set to post a third weekly gain on the back of Trump hindering supply from Iran and Venezuela, but his economic policies are threatening to damage demand in the long term.   Friday, March 28th, 2025  Trump has been the single biggest oil market mover in March. On the one hand, the

President Trump’s Trade War Is On. Here are 3 Things Every Investor Should Do.

After two years of double-digit gains, the S&P 500 (^GSPC -1.63%) lost its momentum — at least temporarily — in recent days. The index has slipped more than 4% over the past two weeks due to concerns about the tariffs President Donald Trump has placed on imports from China, Mexico, and Canada. These tariffs —

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